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Snapshot: Career fulfillment, by age

Younger and older Americans are least likely to cite their careers as a source of fulfillment in their lives.

Holiday parties stage a modest comeback this year

For the second holiday season in a row, U.S. employers are grappling with how to connect their employees for year-end celebrations in the age of covid.

Snapshot: 45% of all employees still work remotely some of the time

Blame the Delta variant: Dreams of workplaces getting back to normal by fall have fizzled.

Snapshot: Mixed feelings about returning to the office

Employees are of two minds about ditching remote work and returning to full-time on-site work.

Snapshot: Who agrees? Our workplace culture has improved since the pandemic began

There’s a huge disconnect between the views of top brass and those who sit lower on the org chart.

Was this the hardest year for HR professionals? 91% say ‘yes’

A full 91% of HR executives reported that 2021 was their hardest at work to date, according to a survey by Verizon Media.

Employees’ most-Googled HR issues: privacy, surveillance

A recent analysis of Google search trends found that privacy and surveillance are the top workplace-related concerns for U.S. employees, together representing 42% of the top 50 most common Google searches, according to the study by Elements Global.

Snapshot: How the pandemic affected working people worldwide

In a global survey, 45% of workers said their own lives had been affected “a lot” by the coronavirus pandemic.

Workers, executives view their organizations differently

As employers implement their future-of-work strategies, including decisions around hybrid work and increased flexibility, a gap is emerging between executive and employee perceptions about the future of the workplace experience, according to research by the Gartner business advisory firm.

Snapshot: What’s the best thing about being promoted?

Frankly, we’re surprised more money doesn’t rate even higher!