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Snapshot: Who is privy to pay-equity data?

When employers study pay equity within their organizations and make changes as a result, few share that information with rank-and-file workers.

Snapshot: Paid leave & pot: Top HR law challenges at state/local level

The patchwork of laws on leave and marijuana push those to the top when employers are asked, “In which areas have state/local laws created compliance challenges?”

5 fast-disappearing jobs, 2008–2018

The rise of e-commerce has claimed more jobs than any other factor since 2008.

Young employees don’t get enough career development

Only 12% of training professionals surveyed by the Association for Talent Development say their organizations provide effective career development for employees with less than five years of full-time work experience.

Teen employment expected to rise in tight labor market

While just 35% of teens aged 16-19 participated in the labor market last year, job opportunities could increase around 5% this year.

Positive tests for pot hit 14-year high last year

More workers are testing positive for marijuana than at any time in the last 14 years, according to data compiled by Quest Diagnostics.

Inexperienced youngsters make up more of workforce

A surging economy has brought more young people into the workforce.

Snapshots: Percentage of college-educated U.S. citizens and immigrants

About one-third of Americans and immigrants age 25 and older have at least a bachelor’s degree.

55% negotiated pay on their latest job offer

Today’s job seekers are confident in their bargaining power, suggests new research from global staffing firm Robert Half.

Snapshot: U.S. has the most college-educated immigrants

Thirty-six percent of America’s foreign-born residents age 25 and older have at least a college degree.