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HRIS / Technology

Don’t count on seniority system to block reassignment of disabled

After injuring his back while working in a cargo job for USAir, Robert Barnett used his seniority to transfer to the company’s mailroom. When he learned two workers with more seniority …

7 tips to trim your legal bill

Document everything. Take notes on all discussions with your lawyer, including date, time, your requests and all commitments.
Cluster needs. If you pay an hourly rate, bundle your questions instead …

Employees online? Take a byte out of your liability

No employer wants to explain to a court why jokes like “Why beer is better than women” are bouncing around the company e-mail system. But that’s the position more companies are …

Point and click for workplace posters

Unsure which federal-law posters you’re required to display in your workplace? Check out the new Poster Advisor on the U.S. Labor Department’s Web site …

Prepare for OSHA visit when labor’s unhappy

Pay extra attention to safety when your company is going through labor unrest. Reason: A new study shows that the likelihood of a federal safety inspection …

Set policies on which software employees can download

Legal experts warn that employers could get caught up in the current battle over the legality of programs that let users download music free off the Internet. If employees …

You can be liable for worker’s online slur

After Tammy Blakey sued Continental Airlines for sexual harassment, her co-workers used an online bulletin board to post derogatory gender-based messages …

Drug testing down, electronic monitoring up at big U.S. firms

The proportion of major U.S. companies that require new or current employees to submit to drug tests slipped to 66 percent this year, down from 70 percent last year and 74 …

Allowing public access adds new duty to accommodate disabled

The Twentieth Century Fox production lot in Los Angeles includes many conveniences, including a commissary, store and automatic teller machine. However, Les Jankey …

EEOC beefs up wage-bias arsenal

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is putting action behind its talk of cracking down on unequal pay. A new internal task force …