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HRIS / Technology

Light a fire under execs to perform an ‘energy audit’

Issue: Some utilities and government groups offer businesses free energy audits. Benefit: By suggesting such audits, you position yourself as a strategic thinker looking out for the organization’s bottom line. …

Use software to block employee music downloads

Just one hip-hopping employee downloading tunes can sap your computer resources, expose you to legal problems and kill productivity. Advice: Make sure your computer-use policy prohibits music downloads and outlines punishments. …

Start using new OSHA injury log this month

Employers that are required to complete an OSHA Form 300 (Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses) must start using a newly revised form Jan. 1.
The form includes several changes, …

Your cost-saving plan of the year: Health Savings Accounts

Issue: The new Medicare law allows employees to set up tax-free savings accounts to cover uninsured medical costs. Benefit: Setting up HSAs for employees could allow you to offer them …

Figure out how much you’re worth

Issue: The recent slow growth in HR pay hikes picked up speed in 2003. Benefit: Stronger pay growth nationwide gives you more bargaining power in your shop … or on …

Credit union membership: a no-cost employee benefit

Issue: Offering membership in a credit union as an employee benefit is now easier than ever. Benefits: Employees gain access to low-cost financial services. And you have a new, no-cost …

Build a peer network you can tap for expertise

Issue: HR’s uniqueness makes it difficult to tap others within your organization for brainstorming, problem-solving, etc. Benefits: Joining or forming a network of HR pros can give you valuable sounding …

No need to rush and upgrade to Office 2003

The reviews are in. Here’s the verdict: Upgrade to Microsoft’s new Office 2003 version only if you handle large volumes of e-mail, use a network and plan to install Microsoft’s server …

Not every government e-mail is public record

A Florida newspaper requested copies of all e-mails sent and received by two city workers. The city gave up only e-mail related to their government work. The newspaper sued to obtain …

Focus safety efforts on new hires; they’re more injury-prone

Hammer home safety rules to new hires before they start. Don’t expect on-the-job experience to teach them the safety ropes.
Reason: New employees suffer the most says a new study …