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HRIS / Technology

Remind young workers about downloading dangers


More than half (52 percent) of 1,000 college students surveyed said they believe it’s OK, even in the workplace, to download or swap illegal software or files, according to a Business Software Alliance report …

More employers are telling sick workers to stay home

The problem of presenteeism, when employees come to work even though they’re sick, is an increasing concern for U.S. employers, according to a new CCH survey. Nearly half (48 percent) of …

Sharpen your recruiting with new matchmaker sites

Issue: Some new job boards this year take their cues from dating sites, trying to match employers with applicants.
Benefit/risk: Such sites can eliminate unqualified applicants, but they’re fishing in …

Do you need a blog policy? Ask yourself 3 questions


Employment policies often must adapt to changes in culture and technology, and the explosion of blogs is one such example. Disgruntled employees often use their blogs to attacks employers, spread gossip about co-workers or even publish suggestive pictures of themselves. Ask yourself the following questions to see if you need a blog policy …

Screen supplemental insurance vendors: Ask right questions

Issue: More employers are offering voluntary supplemental medical insurance, and insurers are offering more products.
Benefit/risk: Such plans can fill gaps left by medical coverage cutbacks, but the strategy can …

Katrina’s lesson: Update your crisis-management plan

Issue: Hurricane Katrina’s devastation woke up many employers to the need to revisit their disaster plans.
Risk: Even if you drafted a plan after the 9/11 attacks, you may find …

Attract the best by guarding your firm’s reputation

Issue: Right now, your organization’s public image may be under attack on Web sites, chat rooms and blogs.
Benefit: By putting out such brush fires before they rage out of …

High gas prices offer retention opportunity

With gas prices jumping over $3 a gallon, employees with long commutes may be thinking about working closer to home. Ease their pain by: 1) Talking with the top brass about …

Use random tests to combat drug-test cheaters

Can you trust negative drug test results anymore? The Internet is flooded with products, more than 400 by one count, that help employees and job candidates cheat on drug tests. The …

Don’t waste money buying government forms or posters

Several government agencies are alerting business owners that they don’t need to pay for most forms and posters they’re required to use and post in
their workplaces. Those documents are …