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HRIS / Technology

Preserve e-mail records; new e-discovery rules kick in


When employees sue your organization, you must turn over any related documents—including old e-mail messages and computer records—during the discovery phase. But be aware that recent changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure place an even greater burden on you to come clean with what information you have

No more hide-and-seek: new duty to retain electronic data


When it comes to evidence presented to win or defend against civil lawsuits, employers no longer can play a game of hide-and-seek. The new game in town is 1-2-3 Show M’e-discovery …

Get organized: 6 ways to zip through e-mail clutter


Some people are deleters and some are hoarders. Either way, you can learn from these e-mail efficiency tips …

Boost productivity by helping staff with elder care problems

Issue: Nearly 10 percent of employees serve as caregivers for their elderly parents. That strain results in turnover and productivity problems. Risk: Lost productivity due to elder caregiving costs U.S. …

Be wary of discussing sensitive personnel issues via e-mail


You’ve got (legally explosive) e-mail. That’s the message a Broward Circuit Court jury recently delivered to United Parcel Service in a court decision that hinged on a single e-mail sent by a company official …

Employers looking closer at employee Web clicks


More than one-third (36 percent) of HR professionals say they’ve increased their monitoring of employees during the past 12 months, according to a new survey by the Society for Human Resource Management …

New govt. guidance on protecting staff from avian flu


Dire warnings of avian flu outbreaks have some employers and employees spooked. So OSHA just unveiled new safety and health guidance on occupational exposure to avian flu and practical recommendations on ways to avoid infection …

Are you spending too much on employee benefits?


The U.S. government’s main survey on wages and benefits, Employer Costs for Employee Compensation, offers a good quarterly snapshot that can help you benchmark your own pay and perks …

New rules on discovery of e-mail, IMs take effect


If your organization is sued, it must turn over related documents, including old e-mails or computer records. New changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that took effect Dec. 1 place more burdens on you to come clean with what you have

Head off rising costs: Explore reasons for high claims


You can look forward to smaller increases in health-plan costs for 2007, even though medical and prescription drug-plan costs are still expected to run at more than twice the rate of general inflation, according to the 2007 Segal Health Plan Cost Trend Survey …