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HRIS / Technology

Prepare to meet older workers’ needs for ‘Encore careers’

Your organization’s mature workers might decide not to end their careers when they reach retirement age. If your organization wants to keep experienced, retirement-age employees on board, prepare to meet the needs of this older cohort. Here’s how …

Using GPS tracking devices without violating employee privacy

Global Positioning System devices make it easy for employers to keep track of the location of company vehicles. But for all the pluses of GPS, there are minuses. Because GPS devices also can pinpoint where employees who use company vehicles are and where they have been, the technology has raised new worker privacy concerns that HR professionals need to know about …

Is Howard Stern harassing your female employees?

The growth of XM and Sirius satellite radio service has brought uncensored radio programming into cubicles, warehouses and breakrooms. And as a new court ruling proves, employees who overhear such sexual banter—even if it’s not directed at them—can sue for harassment …

The HR I.Q. Test: July ’08

Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

How should employers handle new hands-free cell phones law?


Q. What are employers’ obligations under the new law requiring drivers to use hands-free cell phones? …

Can your e-mail survive ‘Smoking gun’ software?

Plaintiffs’ lawyers are using a new tactic to search for incriminating e-mail messages in corporate e-mail archives—software that seeks out “worry words” in e-mails that could show your company was aware of potential liability earlier than it admits …

Corporate job sites becoming more interactive

When someone lands on the “Careers” page at your organization’s web site, what can he or she do? Most employers’ sites give two options: (1) Fill out an application or (2) leave the site. But that is starting to change …

Anchors, oy vey!

There may be something to the tales of a bitter rivalry between Alycia Lane and Larry Mendte, both news desk fixtures at CBS affiliate KYW-TV in Philadelphia—and now both in legal hot water …

Comcast takes check for woman’s ‘Right arm’

When Krista Cooney, a Comcast customer in western Pennsylvania, sent the company a check made out for “My Right Arm and Zero Dollars” to protest her cable bill, she thought she’d had the last laugh. But Cooney contends an unidentified employee at Comcast posted an electronic copy of the check on the Internet …

How to protect yourself from Internet-Related liability

The Internet is an invaluable tool in many workplaces, but lately it’s become a somewhat unexpected cause of employment law litigation. Two issues lead the wired way to the courthouse for employers: gathering information about job candidates through web sites and potential liability for what their employees do while using the Internet …