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HRIS / Technology

More snooping, followed by bill


Verizon Wireless admitted in November that company employees snuck a peek at the personal cell phone records of President-elect Barack Obama … Amid ongoing spy reports, the Ohio House of Representatives approved a bill in December designed to safeguard taxpayers’ personal data.

Charlotte-Meck teachers disciplined for Facebook postings


Offensive postings on the social networking web site Facebook led the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) to fire one employee and discipline seven others.

Are we liable for accidents caused by cell phone use in company vehicles?


Q. If our employee has an accident while talking on a cell phone in a company car, is the company liable to the injured party?

BlackBerry time: When must you pay for employees’ off-duty PDA hours?


Hand-held devices, such as BlackBerrys, Trios, iPhones, etc., make it easy for workers to check e-mail and do work at any time of day. And your nonexempt, hourly workers may demand to be paid for that screen-time. So, when must your organization pay nonexempt employees for such off-the-clock work? There’s no clear-cut answer.

When in doubt, add a stamp


When Medical Mutual Insurance of Ohio learned that 11 computer disks mailed to state retirement groups in Columbus had not arrived, the insurer contacted the U.S. Postal Service. There was reason for concern: The disks contained personal information on 36,000 Ohio retirees …

College employee data posted on the web


Sinclair Community College in Dayton recently discovered that it had posted the names and Social Security numbers of almost 1,000 employees on a public web site for a year.

Cautionary tale: Video cameras provide powerful evidence


Here’s a cautionary tale you can tell employees when explaining they should never touch a fellow employee. With video surveillance cameras everywhere, such incidents may be caught on tape, and the employee doing the touching may have an innocent explanation that just won’t be heard over what seems to be happening on camera.

Durham cops under investigation for slurring Obama


Two Durham police officers are being investigated for allegedly posting racially charged comments about President-elect Barack Obama on their MySpace web pages in the days following the election.

HR technology: Shortcuts to find the best vendors, products


Say your CEO tasks you with cutting HR department costs. You know technology can help slay that cost dragon, but you have no idea where to start. Instead of combing through hundreds of vendor web sites, use these nonbiased resources to search for the right HR tech products.

Is BlackBerry use compensable time?


Q. We provide PDAs to virtually all our employees, some of whom are nonexempt. This enables them to send and respond to e-mails at all hours of the day and night. Does an employee’s time spent on his or her PDA outside of work count as hours worked?