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1-Minute Strategies

Fight procrastination … Bring all your calendars in sync … Don’t ignore LinkedIn recommendations … Tighten up security for online passwords … Need a refresher on finance and accounting? Check out these sites … Shut off the alerts on your phone to become more productive.

Investigating customer complaint: How can we access our sales rep’s cellphone records?


Q. We recently received a complaint that one of our sales reps had sent false emails and texts about one customer to another. We determined that the emails and texts have been sent from the cell­­phone we provide to the sales rep. We asked the service provider to send us copies of the emails and text messages. The service provider refused our request. Why can’t we get that information?

State university adopts HR plan separate from government’s


A major overhaul of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s HR system began as an attempt for the university to create an HR system separate from the Wisconsin state government’s, in part so it would have greater flexibility to reward and retain talented employees.

Surveillance video law: How do we comply?


Q. We have surveillance cameras in several locations in our workplace that record activity, but no sound. The images can be viewed over the Internet by supervisors and HR personnel who have the password to the site. What should our privacy and electronic communications policy say about access to the camera feed?

Cyber Monday is looming: Recirculate your online policy

Cyber Monday, the online version of deal-hunting Black Friday, is Nov. 26. Last holiday season, 50% of people said they spent time shopping online at work. Clarify your expectations and company policy with employees before the holidays begin.

Employers set few limits on off-duty smartphone usage

Only 21% of employers set formal policies that limit employees’ use of cellphones and tablets during nonworking hours, and 26% have informal policies limiting their use, says a new SHRM survey.

Workers using iPads? Tap into the best apps

The iPad can be a great tool for your employees, especially if they move from place to place or are on the go all day. Here are the essential business apps for any employee, according to PC Magazine:

How can an IT network crash become an employment law issue?


Why should HR worry about what the IT department does? After all, you’re about people … they’re about hardware and software. But there is one time when HR must collaborate with IT: when the system goes down.

A friend indeed: Do Facebook users have privacy rights?


At last count, the more than 900 million Facebook users have more than 125 billion “friends.” But in the workplace, who is really your friend on Facebook? In this recent case, a manager strong-armed an employee to get access to a co-worker’s Facebook page. Is that an invasion of privacy?

Illinois ‘Facebook Law’ bans seeking employee passwords

Gov. Pat Quinn has signed legislation barring employers from requesting job applicants’ or employees’ social media passwords. Dubbed the “Face­­­book Law,” the new law is intended to protect employees’ private communications from the prying eyes of prospective or current bosses.