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HRIS / Technology

Is it legally risky to use facial recognition software?

Q. Management wants to install “facial recognition” software that clocks in employees by electronically matching the employee’s face to a database. Leaving aside the Big Brother creepiness, are there any legal land mines we should consider before installing this type of technology?

7 questions to ask before buying HR software

A simple Google search for “HR software” will return a mind-numbing 700,000 results. To select the right vendor and software for your organization, arm yourself with these seven questions to narrow your search:

Is gossip clogging up your email inboxes?

About 15% of email at work is considered gossip—defined as “the absence of a third party from a conversation”—according to a Georgia Institute of Technology study.

Should I register for online access so I can monitor employee’s social media activity?

Q. An employee has brought to my attention that another employee seems to be spending much of the workday posting to a social media site … Apparently, the website doesn’t require being someone’s “friend” to see their social media activity. Is it OK if I sign up with the site to monitor his use?

‘Cyberloafing’ is an epidemic: Add teeth to your policy

The bad news: Up to 80% of employees’ time spent on the Internet has nothing to do with their work. Worse news: Having just a policy won’t deter them.

Who owns the blog: the author or the company?


Q. One of our account managers writes a blog geared toward our clients as a marketing tool. It’s linked to our website and shares our brand identity. All of the content goes through an approval process before posting. If he were to leave the company, could he take the blog with him?

Employee Twitter accounts: Who really owns the followers?


With people generating more than 340 million tweets daily, Twitter has become a social media phenomenon … and an employment liability risk. One important issue: Who owns an employee’s Twitter handle? And if your em­­ployees post on their work-related Twitter accounts, can they “take” the followers when they leave?

New California restrictions on employer access to social media info

Amendments to Labor Code Chapter 2.5 implementing AB 1844 took effect Jan. 1. The amendments bar employers from asking employees or job applicants for any social media account information.

Combatting ‘cyber-slander’: How to protect your organization

Complaints from employees, customers and competitors are nothing new. Until recently, if complaints crossed the line from mere opinions to downright lies, companies could threaten a defamation lawsuit. Today, however, companies face a more insidious and growing problem: Internet libel, commonly known as “cyber-slander.”

1-Minute Strategies

Fight procrastination … Bring all your calendars in sync … Don’t ignore LinkedIn recommendations … Tighten up security for online passwords … Need a refresher on finance and accounting? Check out these sites … Shut off the alerts on your phone to become more productive.