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HRIS / Technology

Email/Internet Usage


HR Law 101: Employers have any number of legitimate reasons to monitor employees’ email and Internet usage. Beyond personal productivity issues, you risk significant loss should an employee download a virus or other damaging software or engage in illegal activity conducted on company computers …

DOL’s new Web hub highlights accessibility tools for disabled

U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) has launched www.PEATworks.org, a Web portal designed to help employers adopt technology allowing disabled people to participate fully in the workplace.

7 steps to protect against electronic sabotage by former employees

With nothing more than a few taps on the keyboard, a vengeful ex-employee can cause far more disruption to the workplace than some of your most vocal employees.

Bring Your Own Device policies: Risks and rewards

Employees are increasingly using their personal electronic devices—laptops, smartphones and tablets—for work purposes. The trend, dubbed “Bring Your Own Device” or “BYOD,” has redefined what it means to be “at work.” Employers jumping on the BYOD bandwagon face several challenges.

80,000 nonemployees download MGM staff’s healthy eating app

MGM Resorts International em­­ployees who want to eat healthy while at work can check their progress on their smartphones. So can lots of others, it turns out.

Encourage wellness with help of free apps

Your organization doesn’t need a big wellness budget to offer employees tools that encourage healthy living. A wide range of free or inexpensive mobile apps can help employees track physical activities, monitor health and encourage good eating. Here is a sampling.

Going mobile: The risks and rewards of BYOD

“Bring Your Own Device” policies are a growing trend, but can they bite back against employers?

Suffering from tech overload? 4 tips to delete the stress


While technology can make you more efficient, it can also detract from your work if you don’t manage it properly. Here are four tips to help you use technology in a time-efficient manner and avoid the overload.

How to regulate employee use of personal tech

It’s hard for even the most sophisticated of companies to deal with all the risks of instant communications and increased access via personal and company-owned tech devices.

Electronic signatures: What employers need to know

For centuries, a signature at the bottom of a piece of paper has meant someone agrees with what the document says. Can keystrokes carry the same legal weight as pen strokes? Yes. Two federal laws establish the legality of e-signatures in this country: the UETA and E-SIGN.