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HRIS / Technology

Brainy tech tips to manage stress and productivity on the go

The next time stress threatens to launch us into orbit, the following tips may bring balance back into our life and keep us grounded.

Majority of large companies now have a CDO

A full 63% of Fortune 1000 businesses have appointed a Chief Data Officer, a huge jump from just 12% in 2012, according to a new survey by New Vantage Partners.

As artificial intelligence permeates HR, regulation increases

More and more organizations are beginning to use artificial intelligence tools in their workplaces—and in their HR functions. AI raises a host of issues that have prompted an array of federal and state regulations.

Work with IT to capture agreement to arbitrate

Now that most hiring is handled electronically, it’s easier than ever to collect an employee’s acknowledgment that he agreed to the terms of an arbitration agreement.

Data analytics surge as enabler of good HR decisions

HR professionals increasingly base their business decisions and organizational recommendations on rigorous data analysis, according to a new “Pulse of HR” survey by payroll provider Paychex.

HR & the future workplace: Start planning for these 5 realities

Here are five things you should know about advanced technologies and the workplace. All have potentially significant effects on HR functions and the work HR professionals do.

Beware data theft at airport charging stations

According to a report in Forbes magazine, hackers have apparently found a way to modify the USB and other ports on airport charging stations to download data when travelers plug in their laptops and smartphones.

HR comm practices raise information security risks

Confidential employee information may be at risk because HR pros regularly use insecure technology to share it.

Worried automation kills jobs? Think again

In late 2017, the McKinsey Global Institute released a report estimating that automation could eliminate up to 73 million jobs in the U.S. by 2030. A growing chorus of skeptics is proclaiming: We don’t buy it!

5 apps to run meetings more efficiently

“We could have wrapped this meeting up with an email,” is a phrase often uttered by exasperated employees whose productivity has taken a hit after spending a part of their working day stuck in meetings. Here is a list of five apps that can assist with hosting a successful and productive one.