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HRIS / Technology

Savviest AI users most likely to seek jobs elsewhere

Researchers at the performance-management software firm Betterworks have concluded that, to retain top talent, employers should “foster an AI-positive culture and align AI proficiency with clear career growth opportunities.”

Harness AI to make HR more efficient and effective

HR professionals are uniquely poised to reap the transformative benefits of artificial intelligence. Here’s a look at key areas where AI is making a profound impact on HR functions.

DOL issues best practices for AI in the workplace

The DOL says employers must approach implementing AI in all its forms in worker-centric ways. That is, they shouldn’t use AI as tool to eliminate jobs but rather as a resource for advancing workers’ well-being.

Guidance addresses 3rd-party AI worker surveillance

The guidance warns that employers that use third-party consumer reports—including background dossiers and surveillance-based AI or algorithmic scores about their workers—must follow Fair Credit Reporting Act rules.

51% of employers now use AI in hiring

About half of employers currently use artificial intelligence technology to augment their hiring processes, according to a survey of 948 business leaders by ResumeBuilder.com. The survey found that by the end of 2025, 68% of companies will be using AI to acquire new talent.

DOL offers a framework for AI hiring decisions

In conjunction with the Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology, the Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy has a new publication and associated tools, AI & Inclusive Hiring Framework, both of which are geared toward hiring employees with disabilities.

Gallup throws cold water on the AI revolution

Artificial intelligence has been touted as the biggest technology breakthrough in years, destined to transform how companies design and deliver products and services, and how employees perform their jobs. But a new Gallup poll reveals that just one in 10 U.S. workers uses AI at least weekly.

Fewer federal AI regulations may cause more problems for employers

When the Supreme Court recently made it more difficult for federal agencies to pass regulations interpreting the laws agencies enforce, many employers believed the ruling might free them from new and burdensome regulations. By leaving little room for agency interpretations of sometimes vague statutory language, there theoretically would be fewer such rules to follow. That may be true, but there’s a huge downside.

New DOL resource offers best practices for using AI in hiring

The resource is designed to “help employers reduce the risks of creating unintentional forms of discrimination and barriers to accessibility as they implement AI hiring technology,” a DOL statement said.

Demystifying AI for your staff: A guide to tools and terminology

This past year has brought up countless conversations surrounding AI, but with new terms and tools emerging, those discussions can quickly become confusing for employees. A recent article from CNET listed and defined some of the new AI-related jargon that users should be aware of. Here are some of the key concepts and tools from that list that will take your employees’ understanding of AI to the next level.