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How to draft a legal drug testing policy


Q. I recently read a report that said drug use among employees actually went up in the past decade. We’re considering starting to do drug tests. What should our policy say? —L.U. …

Attorneys’ fees may be due even if employees collect nothing


It was a good case for the lawyers anyway. Demonstrating just how expensive an ADA case can be, a federal appeals court ordered fees to be paid to the attorneys who brought a class-action ADA case against Rent-A-Center. The case involved the company’s use of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory test to screen out applicants and employees with low scores …

Drug testing: Minimize lawsuit risk with smart policy


You have the right to demand a drug-free workplace, but employees also have reasonable rights to privacy. That’s why drug testing and substance-abuse prevention programs carry big-time legal risks if they’re not managed properly. Employers can safely administer drug testing before hiring someone, during a fitness-for-duty test and after a preventable accident …

Make sure job skills tests measure what prospective employees actually will do


You’ve just created a new position and a job description to go with it. That description includes essential job functions, as well as education and training requirements. Now you want to create a skills test to make sure applicants can do the job. Not so fast! Before you have the first applicant take the test, double-check that your test measures the attributes related to the essential functions you specified in the job description …

Fire them before you hire them


Culling through stacks of resumes and conducting two or three rounds of interviews takes too long, is too subjective and too often results in bad hires. Employee selection expert Karl Alrichs proposes a four-step hiring process that saves managers time, reveals the best candidates, and highlights the intangibles that separate good employees from the bad ones.

Protecting employment tests from legal challenges


Employers use a wide variety of tests to determine whether job applicants can perform the jobs they seek. The tests usually measure the candidates’ knowledge, skills and abilities. But if tests cover anything other than the employee’s ability to perform the job’s essential functions, employers could find themselves defending the tests in court …

Stick to objective standards to avoid needless litigation


If your organization is like most, you want to promote from within to build morale and reward hard work. How you handle those promotions can spell the difference between a harmonious and productive workplace and a discordant one, rife with jealousy and resentment

Employee hurt in pre-Employment screening gets disability comp


An employee who was injured by a blood pressure cuff during a pre-employment physical will receive total disability benefits from Virginia-based General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems, the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board has ruled

Free online tools can test applicants’ computer skills


To discover how fast and accurately applicants can type, sit them down to take a free typing test on www.typingtest.com

Genetic discrimination bill takes another step in Congress


A committee of the U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation last month that would ban employers from collecting genetic information from employees and applicants and prohibit the use of genetic tests when making employment decisions …