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Use media to boost the organization’s stature (and yours)

Issue: The media’s growing interest in HR and workplace issues. Benefit: By gaining publicity for your organization, you can aid recruitment efforts and earn kudos from top brass. Action: …

Hiring interns? Keep it legal, dude

Issue: How to avoid the often-overlooked liabilities of using interns in your workplace. Risk: Courts view interns the same as employees, as “agents” of your organization. Plus, you face extra …

4 Tips for Choosing a Long-Term Care Insurance Plan


Long-term care (LTC) insurance can offer a low-cost way to upgrade employee benefits. The benefits: reduced absenteeism due to employee caregiving duties and  tax benefits for some employers. Use these four strategies to decide whether sponsoring an LTC insurance plan makes sense for your organization …

4 ways to find out if that job applicant is conning you

Great résumés are a dime a dozen. That’s why smart interviewers work hard to smoke out résumé lies and exaggerations. Here are four common fraud targets you should zero in on.

What’s in a (college’s) name? Sometimes, not much

More than 200 “diploma mills” operate online churning out phony degrees, often with very official-sounding college names. In fact, a survey by an AT&T corporate trainer revealed that HR professionals were …

Recruiting tool: Land on ‘Best Companies’ list

One way to crank up the quality of job candidates (and impress your CEO) is to earn your way onto a “Best companies to work for”-type list. The most recognized list …

State law dictates your payroll frequency


Q. Is it legal to adopt a once-a-month payroll for hourly employees? What other issues come up with a monthly payroll? —J.S., California

Keep employees growing … so they won’t leave

Issue: “Intraplacement” involves the entire company in identifying job-growth opportunities for ready employees. Benefits: Boost retention, cut recruiting costs …

Monitor your job board’s security; fake want ads appearing online

Monster.com recently notified users that scam artists could be using its job board to pose as employers and post phony want ads. The bad guys’ goal: Collect personal information from unsuspecting …

Bias claim goes nowhere unless minority status was clear

When Steven Lubetsky applied for an analyst job, he aced the interview and several competence tests. The company offered him the job pending a credit check. Lubetsky explained that he was …