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Smoke out applicants’ lies with savvy interviews, testing

Issue: Experts say that up to 30 percent of job-seekers stretch the truth or flat-out lie on their rèsumès. Benefit: By approaching applicants and their rèsumès more skeptically, you’ll have …

Lure ‘passive’ job candidates with the right first impression

Issue: Recruiting “passive” job candidates requires a different strategy than ones used to attract active job-seekers.
Benefit: Choose the right words in that initial contact to prevent quick rejections and …

Apply now for a ‘dot-jobs’ recruiting Web address

You can now simplify your online recruiting process by registering for an Internet address that ends in “.jobs.” The .jobs domain was approved earlier this year and SHRM announced that registration …

Interviewing older candidates: Don’t cross the bias line

THE LAW. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) makes it illegal to discriminate in the work-place against people over age 40 on the basis of their age. The law …

Benchmark your recruiting site: 4 questions to ask

Issue: Your Web site’s “Career” page is the first (or only) experience that many potential applicants have with your organization.
Risk: Blow this opportunity, as many do, and those star …

Raise campus visibility to attract better grads, interns

Issue: Becoming more involved in a local college’s career programs, beyond attending job fairs and posting openings.
Risk: Your organization can morph itself into an employer of choice for interns …

Find qualified disabled applicants with DOL’s online network

The U.S. Labor Department launched a campaign to build awareness of its Employer Assistance & Recruiting Network (EARN), which matches skilled disabled employees with private-sector job openings. The site, www.earnworks.com, has …

Can you (and should you) refuse to hire smokers? Know the law

Some of your employees may be a month into their New Year’s resolution to quit smoking. But what if you, as an organization, wanted to kick the habit in a different way—by refusing to hire employees that smoke?

8 real-life strategies for keeping employees on board

Issue: As the economy heats up, employees, yes, even yours, are wandering through the want ads and surfing job boards.
Risk: Being caught without an up-to-date retention strategy can disrupt …

Apply now for a ‘dot-jobs’ recruiting Web address

To help streamline your recruiting process, your organization can now apply for an Internet address that ends in “.jobs.” The jobs domain was approved earlier this year and will be up …