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EEOC sends message with new guidelines on race, color bias


The EEOC recently sent a powerful signal about its enforcement priorities when it published newly revised employer guidance on workplace race and color discrimination. The message: Employee complaints of race bias or color bias will be pushed to the top of the EEOC’s inbox …

Recruit online or die: Web hiring hits new milestone


For the first time, the Internet is producing more than half of all new hires. A Booz Allen Hamilton survey shows that 51 percent of all new hires in 2005 came via some form of Internet recruiting connection …

Smaller organizations: Promote your size in recruiting


A CollegeGrad.com survey of 500 recent college graduates asked, "Which size company you’d most like to work for?" The response: 70 percent favored small to midsize companies …

Strong new economic numbers signal upward pressure on wages


Several important economic indicators released last month suggest that wage growth and a tighter labor market are just around the corner …

Don’t Get Stuck With ‘Dud’ Interns


If you use summer interns, it’s hunting time. Experts suggest asking the following questions to determine how students make decisions and manage work and deadlines …

Increase your value by helping to spot rising managers


Your unique vantage point in HR equips you to identify managers with the potential to become company leaders. By sharing your insights with top execs, you’ll help build organizational excellence and make yourself more valuable. Use these tips to alert top execs to possible future leaders they might be missing …

Study multiple reviews to identify best HR tech products


Each year, several respected organizations rate the top HR technology, software and Web-based products. But it’s difficult to know which products are best because no two rating systems are the same, and they’re often contradictory …

Use ‘Mini-Med’ Benefits to Cut Costs, Help Retain Staff


Soaring health costs are forcing many small firms to shift more cost burden to employees or drop coverage. But be aware that many companies are taking a third option: offering a limited medical health insurance plan (or "mini med") that provides bare-bones health coverage …

Pay closer attention to rising employee insecurity


Almost a quarter (23.8 percent) of the people answering a new Right Management Consultants survey say they think it’s very possible or somewhat possible that they could lose their jobs in the next 12 months …

Are bloggers hurting your recruiting potential?


Find out what people (possibly your ex-employees) are saying about your organization on their personal blogs, some of which have heavy readership. To do this, plug your organization’s name into a blog search engine …