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Employer-Provided health insurance to become exception?


About 60 percent of Michigan residents still receive health insurance through work, but that may not be true for very long …

Pregnant Employees: Answers to 7 Questions on Hiring and Employment Status


The Pregnancy Discrimination Act has important implications for how employers treat pregnant women during the hiring process and after, once they become employees. Here are the EEOC’s answers to some of the most common questions employers face.

Choosing Employees for Promotion: A 6-Step Legal Process

You’re probably relying more heavily on internal promotions than in the past. And as internal candidates compete more and more for coveted “inside” jobs, expect a corresponding rise in the number of failure-to-promote lawsuits when expected promotions don’t materialize. These six steps will help keep you out of court.

5 Ohio employers among ‘Best Companies to Work For’


Fortune’s latest list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For, 2007” includes five Ohio employers, led by California-based Vision Service Plan, which ranked No. 23 …

Public Employees in Michigan Lose Domestic-Partner Benefits


The Michigan Court of Appeals ruled in February that the state’s amendment banning gay marriage prohibits public employers from offering domestic-partner benefits …

4 Mich. employers among ‘Best Companies to Work For’


Fortune’s latest list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For, 2007” includes four Michigan employers, led by Wisconsin-based S.C. Johnson, which ranked No. 7 nationally …

HR as mobsters: Supreme Court lets workers use organized-Crime law to sue their employers


The U.S. Supreme Court let stand a lower court ruling that a group of employees at a Georgia carpet company can use state and federal anti-racketeering laws to sue their employer …

Total-Comp Statements: More Important Than Ever


Regularly remind employees of the value of your benefits package by distributing total-compensation statements every six months. Organizations that communicate such information can boost loyalty and retention, even when their benefits aren’t the very best …

Ogling Google: Best benefit practices of 100 ‘Best’ firms


Google is just eight years old, but it beat out a slew of old-timers to snag the No. 1 spot on Fortune’s list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For.” Reason: Its benefits are to die for

Corporate Culture is key at 11 Florida firms on ‘Best’ list


Fortune magazine’s recently released list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For, 2007” includes 11 Florida employers. In light of the current tight labor market, it’s important to note the reasons they made the list …