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Show applicants a career path for each job

As a recruiting tool, more employers have begun including a sentence or two about the typical career path of the job at the end of each job listing.

Online portal helps Hertz attract military hires

To boost its hiring of military veterans, Hertz has launched a website devoted to recruiting them and their spouses. Hertz participates in the White House job-creating coalition known as “Joining Forces,” and has pledged to hire hundreds of returning veterans over the next few years.

Recruiting edge: Video games firm ignores resumes


Recruiters for video games company IGN Entertainment don’t care if would-be employees went to college or have experience with another firm. They’re looking for raw talent. The media company has kicked off a “no résumés allowed” recruitment program—the Code-Foo Challenge.

Library of Skill-Based Interview Questions

In addition to giving job-specific tests, the best way to tell if applicants carry the skills to perform specific tasks is to ask very direct questions about how they’ve used each skill in the past. Here are nearly 200 sample interview questions that hiring managers can use to spot the presence of important “soft” skills …

Beat ‘talent paradox’ to hire the employees you need

Hiring should be easy these days! Unemployment remains high and struggling companies have had to let great people go. Supply should exceed demand. So why is it so hard to hire the employees you need? It’s the “talent paradox”—despite lots of candidates, employers still see significant shortages in critical talent areas. Here’s a blueprint for beating it.

Reference checks: How to dig the dirt–legally


As part of the hiring process, supervisors are sometimes called on to check an applicant’s references. Those phone calls can help you accurately assess a person’s strengths, weaknesses and past job performance. But checking references can also be challenging—and legally tricky. Here are six guidelines for soliciting information without bumping into legal issues:

Michigan firm recruits its own employees

Once Plante Moran recruits a talented new hire, it keeps recruiting the same person throughout the employee’s tenure with the firm. One of the country’s largest certified public accounting and business advisory firms, Plante Moran boasts a turnover rate of less than 13%, among the lowest in the industry.

Would you hesitate to hire someone who has been unemployed for a year?

As the economy struggles to rebound, the stigma of long-term unemployment has lost some of its sting.

Marketing firm makes recruitment a game

After its research showed that consumers respond well to pitches that involve playing games, marketing firm Upstream Systems has “gamified” its own search for job candidates.

Could high school diploma requirement violate the ADA?


An “informal discussion letter” from the EEOC had employment-law circles buzzing last month—and creating uncertainty about employer’s use of high school diplomas as hiring criteria. The nonbinding EEOC letter said employers, in some instances, could infringe on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) when requiring all applicants to have a high school diploma.