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Allstate offers paid training to vets seeking insurance jobs

They’re not guaranteed jobs and they don’t have to promise to work for Allstate Insurance Co., but military veterans get a small salary, free meals and a place to live during a month-long training program designed by the company to prepare them for careers in insurance and financial services.

Can we limit our applicant pool to U.S. citizens?

Q. Is it legal to hire only U.S. citizens and, when advertising, say that people must be citizens to apply?

10 hardest jobs to fill in 2014

According to the Manpower Group’s ninth annual Talent Shortage Survey, these are the 10 jobs U.S. employers currently have the hardest time filling.

Wisconsin manufacturers eye next generation of employees

A group of Wisconsin businesses has created a series of videos for grade school and high school teachers to use for teaching practical applications for math on a manufacturer’s production line.

Financial services firm recruits military veterans

Financial services firm Edward Jones is aggressively recruiting military veterans as financial advisors.

Hiring salespeople? Go for the really snooty ones

Researchers at the University of British Columbia found that “rude sales associates can actually drive sales” in luxury retail settings.

Seasonal staff: Keep on payroll or rehire each time?

Q. Our restaurant chain employs college students part time during winter and summer breaks. We don’t provide benefits to part-timers. What are the pros and cons of leaving them active in the system vs. rehiring them as seasonal workers each summer and winter?

Are ‘no poaching’ agreements legal?

Q. May two separate companies enter into an agreement to prevent each other from recruiting the best talent of each?

How do organizations prefer to receive résumés?

Here’s another reason why the U.S. Postal Service is struggling: No one wants anyone to mail in a résumé anymore.

Nearly one-third of employers expect workers to job-hop

Does job-hopping (working for various employers for a short period of time) carry the same stigma in today’s job market? Not necessarily, according to a new study from CareerBuilder.