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Summer hiring is up–and so are summer paychecks

Summer jobs are returning at a faster pace this year and, in many cases, are paying well beyond the federal minimum wage of $7.25.

Skilled trades again among the hardest jobs to fill

Almost a third of U.S. employers—32%—report that they are having a hard time filling job vacancies because they can’t find skilled candidates.

Where managers expect the most job growth to happen

Seventy-two percent of managers are optimistic about their career opportunities this year, up 21 percentage points from 2014. They’re ready to act on that optimism, too—88% said they’re open to new opportunities in 2015.

What grads must learn to make the leap from school to work

Recently we reported on the excellent job prospects greeting this year’s crop of college graduates—hiring of new grads is expected to increase 16% compared to 2014. But a freshly printed diploma doesn’t mean those new hires will hit the workforce ready to perform.

Class of 2015 grads to find best job market in years

When “Pomp and Circumstance” plays at college commencement ceremonies next month, graduates can march confidently off stage knowing that their job prospects look good.

Did my innocent employment ad really open me up to charges of discrimination?

Q. I recently posted want ads to hire new employees. Recently, I received a letter from someone who wants to sue me for “deterring applicants.” The ads that I sent out simply stated my company’s name and address, the position available and that applicants who are younger and live nearby are preferred. What did I do wrong?

Review job ads for hints of age discrimination

The EEOC is cranking up the scrutiny of employers that use job ads to seek—sometimes not so subtly—younger employees.

16.9% of Fortune 500 board members are women

The percentage of board seats occupied by women has increased substantially in the last 20 years—all the way up to 16.9%. Women comprise 47% of the U.S. workforce.

Health roles dominate growing occupations

The Bureau of Labor Statistics regularly projects the growth rate for occupations in coming years. These are the 10 jobs with the fastest anticipated growth rates between now and 2022.

Can I refuse to hire union members?

Q. I am considering hiring an applicant to work at my steel refinery. The only problem is that he is affiliated with a local trade union, and I am doing everything I can to keep my business union-free. Can I refuse to hire him for this reason?