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EEOC casts a skeptical eye on the use of AI in hiring

Employers considering adding or expanding use of artificial intelligence programs to screen job applicants, take note: The EEOC has announced a new initiative to examine the use of AI in hiring.

EEOC: Customer preference irrelevant in hiring

When the Supreme Court ruled in 2020 that discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is sex discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the EEOC began filing a series of lawsuits, like this one.

Women eager to get back to work, especially in STEM

The coronavirus pandemic has disproportionately harmed working women, with female unemployment running about 30% higher than the male unemployment rate. But a new survey shows women are eager to return to the workforce, particularly in STEM fields—science, technology, engineering and math.

Facebook pays $14 million to settle hiring suit

If you thought the only federal agencies you really had to worry about were the Department of Labor, the EEOC and OSHA, think again. The U.S. Department of Justice should be on your radar, too.

6 recommendations to find and retain top-tier talent

In today’s tight labor market, finding and keeping talent is a business imperative. The Conference Board offers these recommendations to recruit and retain the talent organizations need to succeed, especially in an environment of remote and hybrid work.

Job openings requiring vaccine up sharply since July

More employers are requiring applicants to prove they have been vaccinated against covid-19 before they will consider extending a job offer.

Remove cold-calling from your recruitment toolkit

In today’s tight labor market, employers are getting creative in their efforts to recruit new employees. But there’s one major recruiting no-no that can spell big trouble. Forget cold-calling cell phones. As a recent case shows, the fines for making unsolicited calls range from $500 to $1,500 per call.

Consider options to attract new employees

Many companies are scrambling to become employers of choice. You can try higher pay, or more and better benefits. Or you can take a close look at the minimum requirements for open positions. Another option is to keep current requirements but offer in-house or employer-sponsored training.

Tout vaccine mandate to recruit employees

Some may worry that a vaccine mandate will drive anti-vax employees to quit. However, numerous polls this summer show that most Americans favor employer vaccine mandates. That means many of your best potential job candidates may actually prefer working for an organization that requires employees to be fully vaxxed.

In tight market, should you lower the hiring bar?

In the summer of 2021, the number of job openings is running at record levels as employers fish for talent in a limited pool of workers. That super-tight labor market is leading more employers to expand their view of who is qualified to work, accepting more non-traditional qualifications like certificates and digital badges.