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Spatula-ready: 2013 grads face bleak job prospects

In a survey last month, employers said they planned to hire 2.1% more new college grads from the Class of 2013 than they did from the Class of 2012. Good news for young workers, right? Not so much.

Legally safe hiring: Use consistent approach & interview checklist

Hiring gets harder when a big group of applicants meets your minimum requirements. How do you pick the best candidate and reduce the chance of unhappy job-seekers filing discrimination lawsuits? The best approach is an organized one.

Employee verification: Your line-by-line guide to I-9 changes

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services recently released the long-awaited revisions to Form I-9, which employers had to begin using by May 7, 2013.

In NYC, no more bias against unemployed job applicants

Controversial amendments to New York City’s Human Rights Act take effect June 11, allowing job applicants to sue for discrimination against a new protected class: the unemployed.

How do we fix I-9 mistakes of previous employer?

Q. How do I make corrections to a Form I-9, especially when too many documents are indicated on the form? A previous employer completed the forms. Also, is there guidance on how to do I-9 self-audits? 

Buckeyes’ job shadowing leads to permanent hires

Columbus, Ohio-based CallCopy is recruiting engineers for future job openings by inviting Ohio State University engineering majors to shadow the organization’s professionals on the job.

Rights groups take aim at Target over criminal records

The NAACP and the advocacy group Take Action Minnesota have accused retail giant Target of unfair hiring practices, alleging that the chain unnecessarily rejects job applicants based on their criminal records.

Don’t confuse education with qualifications


One way for a candidate to prove discrimination in hiring or promotion is to show that he is so much better qualified than other candidates that there should have been no doubt about who got the job. Some candidates mistakenly believe that means if they are the best educated, they win. That’s simply not true.

Poorly timed physical costs NYPD in ADA case

The NYPD has agreed to a settlement in a disability discrimination case filed by the U.S. Department of Justice. An applicant for a school crossing guard position had filed the complaint and later sued, alleging that the NYPD required a physical examination im­­mediately upon completion of a job application.

Honest or not? 10 questions to spot ethical applicants

When managers interview job candidates, it’s nearly impossible to get a good reading of a person’s moral compass. Here are some effective “situational” or “behavioral” questions and scenarios managers can pose.