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Minnesota ‘bans the box,’ limiting background checks

Minnesota has joined the league of states that have adopted “ban the box” legislation that bars most employers from obtaining or asking for an applicant’s criminal history before the applicant has either been selected for an interview or received a conditional job offer.

Employment status notification bill proposed

A bill before the North Carolina House of Representatives would require employers to give employees notice of their employment status at the time of hire and when any material change in the employment relationship occurs.

New expunged record law limits background checks

North Carolina’s new Expunged Criminal Record bill will affect what questions employers may ask on job applications and during the hiring process. The law prevents most em­­ployers from asking about crimes and criminal charges that have been ex­­punged from job applicants’ records.

Scrub protected-class info from résumés

Here’s a simple way to keep many disappointed applicants from filing needless lawsuits: Make sure someone removes any application or résumé information that indicates race, national origin or other characteristics belonging to a protected class before the information is passed on to whoever makes the initial screening decision.

Hidden liability: Understand the risks of negligent hiring

You know there are certain questions you just can’t ask job applicants. But using discretion in the hiring process doesn’t mean you should give up on the practice of thoroughly investigating the background of candidates for certain jobs in which a rogue worker could harm other people.

Women making up ground lost in recession

Women gained more than twice as many jobs than men did in May, a report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals. Women have regained 83% of the jobs they lost during the recession; men have regained just 65%.

EEOC sues BMW, Dollar General for biased background checks

The EEOC has filed separate lawsuits against BMW and the Dollar General retail chain, alleging that the companies’ criminal background check policies illegally resulted in employees being fired and others being screened out for employment in violation of Title VII.

Search for hires who bring respect, reputation to the team

Make respect and reputation your hiring focus. It can be a game-changer for any organization. Thinking ahead to what role the new hire will play in a department or on a team could change your idea about whom you need to hire.

Buyer beware: How to uncover the worst résumé falsehoods

Between 10% and 30% of résumés include untruths according to outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

Hidden liability: Understand the risks of negligent hiring

You know there are certain questions you just can’t ask job applicants. Typically, they expose your organization to charges of hiring bias. But using discretion in the hiring process doesn’t mean you should give up on the practice of thoroughly investigating the background of candidates for certain jobs in which a rogue worker could harm other people.