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Target pays $3.9 mil to settle background check lawsuit

Retail giant Target has agreed to pay $3.9 million to settle a long-running discrimination suit alleging its policy of not hiring people with criminal convictions disproportionately affects black and Hispanic applicants.

More H-2B visas on the way

The Trump administration says it plans to make another 15,000 H-2B guest worker visas available this year.

Run internal audit to uncover hiring bias

It’s entirely possible for employment discrimination to fly under HR’s radar. All it takes is too much trust that hiring managers wouldn’t knowingly violate your anti-discrimination policies. That’s why it’s critical to regularly audit your organization’s hiring practices.

Software could streamline criminal checks

A San Francisco-based software company called Checkr has obtained $100 million in startup funds for software that lets employers quickly run criminal background checks on job applicants.

2 strategies to deal with today’s worker shortage

As labor markets continue to tighten, employers are pursuing additional strategies for recruiting untapped talent and retaining workers, says a new report by The Conference Board.

H-1B visa cap reached already

For the sixth consecutive year, every available H-1B visa was snapped up within five days.

The potential opportunities and pitfalls in hiring older workers

By 2024, labor participation by workers 65 and older is expected to grow 6.4%. An older workforce requires paying careful attention to age discrimination and disability accommodation issues.

Justice cracks down on anti-poaching deals

In the waning days of the Obama administration, the Federal Trade Commission and U.S. Department of Justice issued guidance aimed specifically at HR professionals: When employers agree not to recruit each other’s employees and set compensation to make it less attractive for employees to jump ship, they’ll be prosecuted for violating antitrust laws. Now comes word that the Trump administration is doubling down on that threat.

Detail successful candidate’s superior qualifications

When hiring or promoting from within, make sure you document why the chosen candidate is better qualified than others.

Complying with ‘ban the box’ turns out to be pretty easy

A new study by the WorldatWork HR association found that 44% of employers that have banned asking candidates about their salary history report that doing so has been very or extremely simple.