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Employee car accident may spell liability for company


Q. An employee injured on the job recently was transported to the hospital by a co-worker. On the way back to work, they were in a car accident and both employees tested positive for illegal substances. What is our total liability? What can companies do to protect against this scenario? —T.K., Ohio

Older replacement won’t erase age bias claim

After a financially strapped hospital turned over its collection and registration duties to an outside vendor, four female workers over age 40 lost …

To the winner goes … the loser’s legal bill

Houston police officer David Garcia was denied a transfer to the city’s SWAT team even though his evaluations ranked higher than three of the four officers selected. One reason Garcia …

Check state law before asking about convictions


Q. Our employment application asks whether the candidate has been convicted of a felony. Is it legal for us to ask this? If so, can we ask what the applicant has been convicted of and can that information be used as a basis for not hiring an individual? —C.H., Arizona

The $500,000 question: Are your hiring tests legal?

If you use a test to screen job applicants, make sure it isn’t unfairly blocking certain groups. Dupont used a written test for entry-level …

What not to ask job references


Q. Are there any questions we cannot or should not ask a reference when screening applicants? —B.B., Louisiana

Even ‘indirect’ victims of bias can sue

Women mailroom clerks at several New York newspapers sued their companies, claiming discrimination in hiring and promotions. The women said the firms manipulated their hiring priority lists by routinely stopping any …

Climb over the hill of age discrimination claims

An increase in age discrimination claims may be as inevitable as the graying of baby boomers. But some smart planning and good policy follow-through on your part can keep you …

What should we do with unsolicited résumés?

Q. We get numerous unsolicited résumés through email and regular mail. Do we have any duty toward these individuals? Do we have any obligation to keep the materials they send?

Beware new legal threat of accepting ‘walk-in’ applicants

Employment attorneys are increasingly warning companies to avoid relying too heavily on walk-in job applicants. While there’s no legal requirement to advertise a job opening, …