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Slash costs of in-house fraud

The average U.S. company loses more than $9 a day per employee to fraud and abuse, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). A new ACFE report …

Stop violence with strong policy, calm approach

Courts say your company has a responsibility to keep workers and customers safe from dangers that it can “reasonably anticipate.” With nearly 2 million assaults …

Background checks: Close holes in your employee screens

The frantic competition for workers has caused many companies to become lax about screening job candidates. That’s not smart. Liars, thieves and violent criminals …

Let applicant decide if job threatens his health

Mario Echazabal worked for contractors at a Chevron oil refinery in California for 20 years before he applied to work directly for the company in the same unit. But Chevron refused …

Horseplay to one may be assault to another.

A CEO was the main instigator of his company’s ritual of a mock “weighing-in ceremony,” in which unsuspecting new workers were paddled with a carpenter’s level. The CEO ignored the …

EEOC: Explain policies in workers’ native language

To ensure your workers understand your anti-discrimination policy, translate it and then sit down and explain it to them. Insiders say the …

Drug testing down, electronic monitoring up at big U.S. firms

The proportion of major U.S. companies that require new or current employees to submit to drug tests slipped to 66 percent this year, down from 70 percent last year and 74 …

Tips for a great interview

Don’t leave much to chance when you host a job interview. By organizing when and how you ask questions, you ensure fair comparisons and give everyone an equal chance to stand out. Use these pointers to structure your interviews.

Don’t make biased requests when using staffing agency

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is warning employers that they can’t use employment agencies to skirt anti-discrimination law. The EEOC sued …

Weigh safety threat of disabled worker


Q. Can I consider safety in deciding whether to hire an applicant or retain an employee with a disability? —G.P., Pennsylvania