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Weigh Cost Before Denying Accommodation Request


Q. An employee we hired a couple weeks ago through a temporary agency (he is on their payroll) has just told us that he is Muslim and can’t work on Fridays. During the interview, he was asked whether anything would prohibit his working a proposed schedule that specifically included Fridays for the next 30 days. He said no, and this is in writing. He did not mention this problem until he had already been working for a week or two. Can we let this guy go? —M.R., South Carolina

Scrutinize resumes; layoffs increase lying


Raise your skepticism a few notches. RÃ?sumÃ? fudging is on the rise again. The so-called Liar’s Index, the percentage of applicants who falsify their educational credentials, has risen steadily …

Use interview to poke holes in applicant’s rÃ?sumÃ? claims

Before hiring a promising job candidate, make sure he is as good in real life as on paper. An interview is the key time to verify claims on rÃ?sumÃ?s. Any …

Consider leasing staff; PEO market is evolving

Look into turning your back-office duties over to a professional employer organization (PEO). New trends and fresh players have heightened competition among PEOs, which serve as a “co-employer” and handle recruiting, …

Test before deciding on employee’s limits

Shirley Hoffman was a whiz at her indexing job at Caterpillar Inc. She moved faster than almost anyone, even though she was born without a left arm below the elbow. Several …

Supreme Court to tackle cases on FMLA notice, ADA ‘direct threat’

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to consider two more controversial HR issues in its term which begins in October 2001. FMLA: The court will hear a challenge to …

Perry Mason meets e-Bay: Should you shop for lawyers online?

If you need a lawyer to handle an employment issue, you can now go online, announce your legal needs and wait for offers from interested lawyers. But as with many things …

FLSA Limits Work Done by Volunteers, Unpaid Interns


Q. I run a small advertising office. A college student has asked to join our staff for the summer. She proposed to work every day for a couple months at no cost. It would be great to get some free help. Is there anything wrong with hiring her? —G.I., Maryland

Age-bias issues don’t stop at the border

Even employees working outside the country are covered under age-bias laws. The federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) applies to U.S. citizens working in foreign …

Rx for drug testing: A firm policy, legal knowledge

If you’re not testing employees for drugs yet, some of your best excuses are going up in smoke. New testing devices are cheaper and less invasive than urine tests. Example: Products …