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Undocumented workers can sue for retaliation under FLSA

Macan Singh was recruited to work in the United States with a promise of a place to live, free tuition and eventual partnership in a business. When none of this materialized …

Be upfront about pre-hire training needs

Does your company mandate training courses before a new hire starts? If so, let job candidates know about these requirements and whether they’ll be paid for the time. …

Expect more ethical, financial scrutiny from job candidates

Expect to open your books and answer more questions about your financial practices. Reason: Sixty-nine percent of executive recruits say they’ll look more closely at the financial statements of potential employers, …

Completing the I-9: Top 10 do’s and don’ts

It’s more important than ever to make sure your employees are who they say they are and they’re legally eligible to work in this country. Why? The ongoing battle against …

Inconsistent hiring sinks your defense

Don’t leave the hiring and firing process up to your managers. Standardize your practices, and make sure everyone follows them. Giving any worker, especially a disabled one, the bum’s rush will …

Don’t fight reservist reinstatement: You’ll lose

Now is not the time for your company to appear unpatriotic, in the public’s eye or before a judge. As a recent ruling shows, courts are bending over backward to give …

Offer Letters Are OK If Crafted With Care


Q. Our company has typically sent formal offer letters to job candidates for certain positions. Could such letters legally bind us, and would we be smarter to avoid them? —S.T., Texas

Religious protections don’t include veganism

A California computer worker was denied a job in a pharmaceutical factory because he refused to take a required mumps shot. He refused because the vaccine included material from chicken embryos …

Length of Job Doesn’t Figure in Contractor Status


Q. We’re an at-will employer. Is there a law (or advisable benchmark) regarding how long we can hire temporary staff before they must be either hired on a permanent basis or released? —D.A., Michigan

Write Job Descriptions Before Trouble Starts


Q. How serious is it if written job descriptions aren’t in place for employees? Is it safe to draft them even after a termination that could result in a lawsuit? —B.B., New York