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Phrase job offers carefully to avoid confusion, lawsuits

Issue: What you don’t say in a job-offer letter may be just as important as what you do say. Risk: Fired employees may try to use poorly written job-offer letters …

Help a rookie manager, and create an ally for life

Issue: New managers need your help, especially in their first three months. Benefits: Smoother management transitions, and they’ll see you as an asset rather than as a nuisance. Action: …

Make sure HR spending aligns with management goals

HR spending often wildly varies from the senior management’s priorities, says a new Watson Wyatt survey. Examples: While managers ranked staff selection second in terms of their priorities, it ranked 36th …

How to prevent growing risk of ‘negligent supervision’ suits

Thorough background checks can help you defeat any negligent hiring claim.
But what if applicants’ background checks come up clean, yet they begin displaying troublesome behavior at your workplace. In …

5 ways to keep good people as the job market improves

Issue: Retaining the best employees should be a high priority for your organization as the economy picks up. Benefits: Reduces recruitment and retraining …

Domestic-partner benefits: Don’t fear cost, controversy

Issue: More employers are offering domestic-partner benefits to both same-sex and opposite-sex couples. Benefit/risk: Such benefits can provide a good recruiting tool, but thorny legal and tax issues must be …

Max out results from your employee-referral program

Issue: Imaginative cash rewards are the key to successful employee-referral programs. Benefit: Employees hired through employee referrals have higher retention rates. Action: Read below to gauge whether your rewards …

Don’t oversell job openings; you’ll risk a fraud lawsuit

Issue: Misrepresenting a job offer by failing to disclose key facts or overselling the position.
Risk: Hiring managers who don’t tell the full story about a job could expose the …

Don’t ‘Oversell’ a job opening


Avoid the temptation to lure star applicants by painting an overly rosy financial picture of the organization or making misleading statements about job security. One faulty promise could lead to a fraud lawsuit …

‘Angel of death’ case highlights the risk of negligent hiring lawsuits

When news reports surfaced in December that a New Jersey hospital nurse admitted to killing 30 to 40 patients in his 14-year career, a pattern of lax background checks emerged.