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Remind bosses: Don’t let ‘Soft’ traits sway hiring, firing


When it comes to hiring and promotions, one of the quickest paths to the courthouse is relying heavily on a person’s subjective qualifications when objective measures point to a better candidate …

‘Anti-Mom’ comments can trigger messy discrimination lawsuits


It’s not only illegal to discriminate against females in the work force, it’s also illegal to show bias against certain subsets of women …

Genetic discrimination bill takes another step in Congress


A committee of the U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation last month that would ban employers from collecting genetic information from employees and applicants and prohibit the use of genetic tests when making employment decisions …

Instruct managers: Make and retain interview notes


If your managers conduct interviews, whether by phone or live, it’s a good idea to remind them to take and keep good notes of those discussions. They’ll need them in case an applicant (or internal candidate) sues …

5 Ohio employers among ‘Best Companies to Work For’


Fortune’s latest list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For, 2007” includes five Ohio employers, led by California-based Vision Service Plan, which ranked No. 23 …

Public Employees in Michigan Lose Domestic-Partner Benefits


The Michigan Court of Appeals ruled in February that the state’s amendment banning gay marriage prohibits public employers from offering domestic-partner benefits …

4 Mich. employers among ‘Best Companies to Work For’


Fortune’s latest list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For, 2007” includes four Michigan employers, led by Wisconsin-based S.C. Johnson, which ranked No. 7 nationally …

Total-Comp Statements: More Important Than Ever


Regularly remind employees of the value of your benefits package by distributing total-compensation statements every six months. Organizations that communicate such information can boost loyalty and retention, even when their benefits aren’t the very best …



HR Law 101: In 1998, the Supreme Court issued its first ruling on an AIDS-related issue and its first major interpretation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The justices made it clear that all persons who are HIV-positive, even though they may show no overt symptoms of the disease, are also protected under the ADA …

ADA: Hiring Practices


HR Law 101: The ADA prohibits employers from asking job applicants questions that may reveal a disability. You should ask only about the person’s ability to perform a job’s essential functions …