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OK to change job requirements, but be prepared to justify


Jobs evolve and often become more complex, so it makes sense to revisit job requirements when someone quits, retires or is promoted. There’s no better time to re-evaluate positions to make sure the next job candidates will have the skills, training and experience necessary to succeed. But if you don’t document the changes carefully, you may find yourself facing a lawsuit …

Texas high court rejects employer liability for worker conduct


The Texas Supreme Court recently issued two decisions limiting when employers can be held responsible for the wrongs committed by their employees. The cases offer hope that employers won’t always bear the brunt of their employees’ wrongdoing, as has often been the case in the past …

Probation protects in case of bad background checks


One good reason to have new employees serve a probationary period is that it gives you more time to check their backgrounds and find out whether they were forthcoming on their applications …

ChildNet could have used ‘Dragnet’ detective work


Two facility managers for ChildNet, the agency that runs Broward County’s child welfare system, were fired after being implicated in several thefts at the agency …

Protect against your company’s biggest security threat: your employees


A lost laptop containing the Social Security numbers of more than 50,000 people … A misplaced disk that contains account information for an entire state … Your company’s greatest security threat probably comes not from outside sources but from your own employees. To protect against such internal threats and loss of information, you need to take specific measures to reduce potential risks …

Background checks


Q. When may an employer conduct background checks on employees and potential employees?

Spike in immigration raids: enforcement or politics?


Immigration raids at U.S. workplaces have jumped by more than 50 percent in the past six months, according to new Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) stats. ICE is also stepping up prosecution of employers

Migrant Workers: How You Gonna Keep ‘Em Down on the Farm?


Fearing labor shortages even higher than last year’s 20 to 25 percent, Michigan farmers are appealing to Congress to streamline the current H-2A visa program, allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the United States without penalties …

IRS calculators get workout: What’s the back interest on $18 million?


Three executives of Rosenbaum-Cunningham International—a West Palm Beach maintenance company serving such restaurant chains as the House of Blues, Hard Rock Café and Planet Hollywood—have been indicted for defrauding the federal government out of $18 million in employment taxes …

53 employees plead guilty in Texas immigration case


Richard B. Roper, the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Texas, recently announced that six more former Swift & Co. employees pleaded guilty to document fraud and illegal entry into the country …