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Pool parties entice nurses onto job


When Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta wanted to create a central staffing pool of nurses last fall, it launched the “100 Nurses in 100 Days” recruitment drive. It was unheard of to hire that many nurses in such a short period of time, says Megan Graham, director of recruiting. To attract enough nurses, the hospital had to get creative with its recruitment efforts …

Want a team player? Ask applicants these 5 questions


Uncover teamwork talents (or the lack thereof) by asking: (1) What is your relationship with your supervisor and your peers? (2) What would your current supervisor or peers say about you? …

‘Blind’ applications help defend against frivolous lawsuits


If the people reviewing employment applications don’t know the race of the candidates, they can’t discriminate for or against any particular applicant. That’s why you should consider using a “blind” application process …

Train interviewers to not comment on employees’ promotion chances


Unless they clearly understand they must treat all job candidates with the utmost respect and stick to job-related questions, supervisors inexperienced in HR matters can turn a simple hiring or promotion into a lawsuit …

Do you destroy hiring documents? Track process anyway


Nothing generates paper like the hiring process, especially if it involves multiple interviews and committee meetings. What do you do with all that paper? If you destroy it, be prepared to show you do so routinely. Otherwise, a jury or judge may view the destruction as evidence you have something to hide …

How to draft a legal drug testing policy


Q. I recently read a report that said drug use among employees actually went up in the past decade. We’re considering starting to do drug tests. What should our policy say? —L.U. …

Attorneys’ fees may be due even if employees collect nothing


It was a good case for the lawyers anyway. Demonstrating just how expensive an ADA case can be, a federal appeals court ordered fees to be paid to the attorneys who brought a class-action ADA case against Rent-A-Center. The case involved the company’s use of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory test to screen out applicants and employees with low scores …

Drug testing: Minimize lawsuit risk with smart policy


You have the right to demand a drug-free workplace, but employees also have reasonable rights to privacy. That’s why drug testing and substance-abuse prevention programs carry big-time legal risks if they’re not managed properly. Employers can safely administer drug testing before hiring someone, during a fitness-for-duty test and after a preventable accident …

Make sure job skills tests measure what prospective employees actually will do


You’ve just created a new position and a job description to go with it. That description includes essential job functions, as well as education and training requirements. Now you want to create a skills test to make sure applicants can do the job. Not so fast! Before you have the first applicant take the test, double-check that your test measures the attributes related to the essential functions you specified in the job description …

How to handle ‘No-Match’ letters: New rules go into effect on Sept. 14


The Department of Homeland Security just published final regulations that provide guidance to employers on how to respond to "no-match" letters, which notify employers of discrepancies with employees’ Social Security numbers. If you follow those steps correctly, you’ll earn immunity from penalties if illegal workers are found at your business. How can you comply? Read on.