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Document why hiring committee was overruled

Having a group of employees interview job applicants is a great way to identify the best candidates. But a would-be supervisor may disagree with a hiring committee’s candidate recommendation. If that happens, be sure to document exactly why he or she rejected the committee’s choice.

How to lose a good job applicant in just 10 days

One-third of senior managers surveyed said their company is taking more time to hire in today’s coronavirus environment, despite having access to a deeper talent pool. We won’t say employers are stringing candidates along. Robert Half calls it “breadcrumbing.”

The ‘niceness factor’ in recruiting: Top 5 qualities

With unemployment running high, applicants are high­lighting relevant experience and skills on their résumés. But there remains a human side to the recruit­ment process as hiring managers look at the so-called “niceness factor.”

4 ways coronavirus has changed work forever

Patterns are beginning to emerge as to what might be in store as the crisis winds down.

Executive order reinstates DACA

An executive order issued Jan. 20 means immigrants with work permits obtained through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program are temporarily safe from deportation.

Recruit broadly to ensure diverse applicant pool

Employees and job applicants can win age discrimination lawsuits if they prove an employer’s personnel practices have a negative disparate impact on older persons.

With DACA restored, prep for more applicants

U.S. District Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis reversed a Department of Homeland Security policy that allowed current DACA certificate holders to renew their DACA status but prohibited new applications. The order cleared the way for an estimated 300,000 potentially eligible individuals to apply for protection.

Automated interviews raise bias concerns

By automating part of the hiring process, there’s less scheduling hassle and more opportunity to quickly screen out clearly unqualified and unsuitable applicants while identifying the most promising candidates. But there are also disadvantages.

DACA upheld in federal court

Some 640,000 undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children are safe from deportation and eligible to apply for work permits under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program after a federal court in New York ruled that the Trump administration lacked the authority to end the program in 2017.

Federal court overturns Trump administration’s H-1B restrictions

A federal court on Dec. 1 struck down Trump administration rules that would have restricted employers’ ability to bring highly skilled foreign nationals to work in the United States using H-1B visas.