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Independent contractors may charge harassment under NJLAD


A worker walks into your HR office and makes allegations of harassment and a hostile work environment under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination. You check the personnel file and realize that she actually is an independent contractor who provides services to your company. You’re off the hook, right? Not necessarily, according to the New Jersey Appellate Division …

Tell applicants upfront about schedule, seniority system


If you have a system that gives the most senior employees their picks of the best days off, it’s fair to both job applicants and the organization to be clear about what hours new hires should expect to work. The best approach is to ask about work availability upfront—right on the job application …

Countrywide merger requires B of A to create new Texas jobs


According to a recent Associated Press report, Bank of America must assume Countrywide Financial’s contract to create 7,500 new jobs in Texas if it wants to move forward with its plan to acquire the nation’s largest mortgage lender …

Colorado Lifestyle Discrimination Law

The Colorado Lifestyle Discrimination Law protects employees who engage in legal activities, such as using tobacco or alcohol when not at work. And unlike the lifestyle discrimination laws in other states, Colorado’s statute has an unusual twist: It specifically lists marriage and planning to marry as protected legal activities …

Minnesota Human Rights Act

The Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA) is the state’s super anti-discrimination law combining the elements of several federal laws, including Title VII, the ADEA and the ADA. While those federal anti-discrimination laws cover employers with 15 or more employees, the MHRA covers all employers regardless of size …

Don’t reject convicted felons unless you have legitimate business reason


Q. Our hiring process involves conducting background and reference checks. If an employee has a felony conviction within the past seven years, we automatically refuse employment. Any reason we should change our policy? …

Protecting against negligent hiring


Q. I recently read an article about employees who were attacked at work by other employees who never should have been hired in the first place. How can an employer reduce its risk of liability for negligent hiring? …

Illinois gives E-Verify a green light, for now


Illinois has reached an agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, lifting the state Legislature’s ban on E-Verify that had been scheduled to take effect Jan. 1. Employers may continue to use the federal electronic verification system to check workers’ employment eligibility status until lawmakers have had a chance to re-examine the issue …

When English-Speaking staff resent Spanish chatter


Q. We have a collegial atmosphere in our small factory. But several of our production line workers who don’t speak Spanish are complaining that bilingual employees chat among themselves in Spanish, leaving the others out of the loop. Everyone speaks English when talking about work, so it’s not a safety issue. Still, the non-Spanish speakers resent the Spanish chatter and wonder if they’re being talked about. What can we do? — L.C, Illinois …

Public employers, contractors must use DHS verification system


The Georgia Department of Labor recently issued rules on compliance with the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act of 2006, which requires all public employers and employers with state contracts to electronically verify workers’ employment eligibility …