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Columbus tackles immigration reform this legislative session


Surveys suggest that nearly two-thirds of Ohio residents consider illegal immigration a serious problem, and state lawmakers have responded with legislation. One bill currently before the Legislature would make English Ohio’s official language. Another would grant local police the authority to investigate immigration violations …

Selling flex to management? Focus on benefits beyond HR


If you want support from the C-suite for work/life benefits, tout flexible schedules and telework as tools that do more than aid recruiting and retention. In a recent survey, CFOs said that for flexibility to succeed, organizations have to perceive it as more than an employee perk.

Handbook must explain leave payout terms


Employee handbooks should spell out exactly what it takes to earn time off—and what happens when an employee resigns or is fired. Make sure you spell out the limitations, or you may end up stuck paying for accrued time when you discharge an employee for serious problems, such as a failed drug test …

Ohio state troopers accused of cheating are fired


The Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) fired 12 state troopers in September for allegedly cheating on an exam that certifies police officers to administer breath-alcohol sensing tests to suspected drunken drivers …

DOJ to Dayton: Diversify public safety ranks or go to court


The U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) says the city of Dayton’s hiring practices have systematically discriminated against black applicants for police and firefighter jobs …

New York employers protected by new negligent hiring law


There’s good news for employers that, in good faith, hire employees with criminal records. Gov. David A. Paterson signed a new law that makes it harder to use an employee’s past criminal record as proof that an employer was negligent in hiring that employee …

Follow basic rules for job descriptions, interviews to avoid hiring bias


Want to avoid needless lawsuits from disgruntled applicants? Adopt some basic rules for handling the selection process, and pay special attention to the all-important job description and interview. As the following case shows, employers that follow some simple rules probably won’t lose a hiring discrimination lawsuit …

N.C. metro areas earn top honors for creating, keeping jobs


The Milken Institute named several North Carolina metropolitan areas to its 2008 Best Performing Cities Report. Raleigh-Cary ranked second, and Wilmington ranked sixth on the national index, which measures which cities are most successful at creating and sustaining jobs …

Tuition reimbursement: Which workers are eligible?


Among employers that offer tuition reimbursement benefits to their employees, 30% make the option available to employees immediately after they’re hired, says a new study by the Institute for Corporate Productivity …

Take steps to stop pervasive anti-female attitudes, practices


When you think of a sexually hostile work environment, the scenario usually involves crude sex talk, bawdy photos and other prurient activities. But those aren’t the only markers of a hostile environment. In fact, a pervasive anti-female attitude that has nothing to do with sex can lead to a lawsuit, too …