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Dayton gets unlikely help from union when courts try to force settlement


Sometimes, the HR business makes for strange bedfellows. Consider what happened in one recent case when the U.S. Department of Justice sued the city of Dayton, claiming its rules for hiring police officers and firefighters unfairly screened out black candidates. The police and firefighters union stepped in to intervene in the litigation.

Set hiring criteria and then stick with it


Courts give employers the benefit of a doubt when it comes to the qualifications they seek in job candidates, and the questions they ask during interviews. As long as the criteria and questions are job-related and not otherwise illegal, courts grant wide latitude. But once you decide on hiring criteria and use them to rank candidates, resist the temptation to go back and tinker with the rankings.

Internet recruiting strategy reaps tech-savvy movers


Movers who work for All My Sons Moving & Storage can check online to learn if they need to make the trip to headquarters to pick up a truck. CFO Ormando Gomez is recruiting more Internet-savvy movers—by using the Internet to recruit them.

Feds to lure college grads


President Obama has said he wants to “make government cool again.” His latest attempt: The federal government’s HR directors are studying a plan to boost the starting pay of college grads by a cool $8,000 a year—to $41,210.

How strategic are you? An 8-question test


CEOs want their HR leaders to break outside the operational box and become more strategic players. But many HR pros are so bogged down by daily process, they have trouble lifting their heads out of the weeds. Here’s a self-assessment to help you gauge the strategic value you bring to your organization.

Feds delay start date for E-Verify, ‘red flag’ rules


The federal government has announced a delay in the implementation date for two regulations that affect employers: E-Verify and the "red flag" rules.

HR interns: Where to find ’em, how to use ’em


Large organizations have long realized that HR interns contribute to the bottom line. They’re inexpensive, productive and eager to impress. Now, with budgets cut to the bone, HR departments can use all the talented, low-cost staffing they can get. That’s especially true for small and midsize HR departments. Here are the best ways to find HR interns:

Must we accommodate Sunday as ‘family time’?


Q. Every summer, we hire youth lifeguards for our municipal pool. We hold training on Sunday evenings. A couple of applicants said they can’t attend that time for “religious reasons.” It’s not a conflict with a religious activity—only family time. If we deny them the job, are there any religious discrimination implications?

Look for hiring trends that could signal bias—you might just avoid a huge jury award


Most applicants who aren’t hired just go away. But sometimes they don’t—and then it’s time to watch out! A rejected applicant can play the discrimination card, possibly costing you an expensive jury award. That’s one good reason to check your hiring practices for hidden bias.

Feds shift target of immigration enforcement to employers


The Department of Homeland Security announced last month it is shifting its immigration enforcement efforts to target employers that hire undocumented workers, rather than targeting the workers. The new emphasis should put employers on notice to pay close attention to their employment eligibility verification processes. Failing to comply can carry a high price.