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Security gives gov’t hiring edge in hard times


Local, state and federal agencies could have a key edge over corporate America during a recession: job security. In a CareerBuilder survey of more than 2,900 workers, 88% said they were interested in public-sector jobs. Their reasons:

Downside of providing a recommendation on an employee’s social media page?


Q. An employee has asked me, as his direct supervisor, to provide him a recommendation on his LinkedIn page. He’s a good employee and I don’t see any harm in granting his request. Are there any risks?

Court: We won’t micromanage hiring decisions


The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that an employee who was passed over for a promotion can’t later use the poor performance of the person who got the job to prove the decision was discriminatory. The case shows that courts are willing to let employers make mistakes; they won’t micromanage hiring and promotion decisions.

Hiring independent contractor? Be prepared to document that he’s not an employee


A recent federal court decision means you’ll now have to go the extra mile to prove that your worker is an independent contractor, not an employee. Advice: Take steps to document exactly why you believe someone is an independent contractor when you begin using his or her services.

N.Y. has the best of sprawl … and the worst of sprawl


In a Brookings Institution report titled “Job Sprawl Revisited: The Changing Geography of Metropolitan Employment,” the New York/Long Island/Northern New Jersey metropolitan area ranked second in the country (just behind Virginia Beach, Va.) with 34.8% of its jobs located within three miles of the city center.

Interviews: The legal way to ask 5 risky questions

Job discrimination claims are running at record-high levels in the past two years. Way too many problems start when hiring managers ask the wrong questions during job interviews. Here’s how to ask five key questions without risking a hiring discrimination charge. (Plus 16 questions no one should ever ask.)

Supreme Court rules in firefighter ‘reverse’ discrimination case


The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the city of New Haven, Conn., violated the rights of white and Hispanic firefighters who took promotion exams when it refused to use the test results to promote the highest scorers. The court ruled that the city could not use “[f]ear of litigation alone” to justify rejecting the results simply because the test appeared to have a disparate impact on another minority—namely the black firefighters who took the test.

Economy stimulates interest in government employment


The recession’s battering of the private sector isn’t the only thing driving job applicants to consider government employment, according to a new survey by CarerBuilder.com. Job-seekers also know that government agencies are among the few employers with budgets that might go up.

N.J. has the best of sprawl … and the worst of sprawl


When it comes to job sprawl, New Jersey has its own “Tale of Two Cities,” with urban communities in Northern Jersey doing better than their counterparts in Southern Jersey, according to the Brookings Institution report titled “Job Sprawl Revisited: The Changing Geography of Metropolitan Employment.”

Small business employees’ morale went up during 2Q


A survey of small business leaders performed by California-based TriNet Group says employee morale at small businesses was up or holding steady in the second quarter of 2009, according to 75% of respondents.