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Remind bosses: Reference check calls go to HR

If your managers and supervisors respond to reference calls by offering negative information, a lawsuit is probably coming. One reason: A whole new industry has emerged to help former employees find out what their old bosses are saying about them. That makes it more important than ever to refer all reference check calls to HR.

Warn bosses: Talk of protected characteristics can flag bias

Here’s a warning you should make sure supervisors hear loud and clear: No one in management should ever mention a protected characteristic (such as age, race or gender) while discussing a promotion or hiring decision.

What keeps HR awake at night?

Rising health care costs, implementing the new health care reforms, rapidly changing business and labor markets, growing regulatory complexity and managing the aging workforce top the list of challenges HR pros face. That’s what the Society for Human Resource Management found when it surveyed more than 9,000 practitioners.

Shift recruiting, retention priorities to beat ‘talent paradox’

The challenges facing HR pros who specialize in talent, compensation and benefits are dramatically different today than they were just a year ago. At Deloitte Consulting, we call it “the talent paradox”—the apparent contradiction that occurs when unemployment is still relatively high, yet companies still are seeing significant shortages in critical talent areas.

Are resumes going the way of the dinosaur?

Job search tools are always changing, and according to HR managers surveyed recently, the traditional resume may be on its way out. Thirty-six percent of respondents believe resumes will eventually be replaced by profiles on networking sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook…

Florida government agencies, contractors must use E-Verify

One of Gov. Rick Scott’s first moves after taking office in January was to require all state agencies and contractors to use the federal government’s E-Verify online employment eligibility verification system for all its new hires. Scott’s move makes Florida the 14th state to adopt E-Verify for public employees, contractors or both.

Chipotle fires workers, faces protests, after ICE audit

Protesters have been picketing some of Minnesota’s 50 Chipotle restaurants after the McDonald’s-owned company fired hundreds of workers—mainly Latino—because they lacked proper documentation. The firings followed an audit by ICE officials, which have now expanded to other Chipotle restaurants nationwide.

Women dominate state workforce, but still earn less than men

In the wake of a recession that disproportionately caused job losses in male-dominated fields such as construction, Minnesota women are faring slightly better these days, according to new research by the nonprofit Independent Women’s Forum.

Court makes quick work of groundless lawsuits

Applicants, employees and former employees who lack financial resources can still sue employers in federal court. But that doesn’t mean the judge considering such a case will entertain it for long if it appears to lack merit.

Bias lawsuit alert: If you use job tests, your legal team better include statisticians, too!


Employment tests generally are a legal minefield. If members of a protected class score significantly lower than other groups, you can expect a lawsuit alleging the test had a disparate impact. And as the following case shows, even court-approved testing procedures are no protection.