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Gap grooms future staff with training

Gap plans to hire 1,200 workers from community colleges this year, and it’s preparing them for those jobs by training them while they’re in school. The clothing chain has partnered with Atlanta Technical College in Gap for Community Colleges.

When administering job tests, ensure they’re job-related and fair to all employees

Be wary of employment tests that seem to have a disparate impact on members of a protected class. You must be ready to show the tests are valid and focus on the real skills required to do a job.

Hiring employees from competitor

Q. We are hiring a high-level employee who will come to us from our major competitor. She has no noncompete agreement with her current employer. Is that our only risk?

Your best defense against failure-to-hire suits: Sound hiring process, complete documentation


It’s one of the HR profession’s hard truths: You never know which applicant may sue you if he or she isn’t hired. That means you must be ready to defend every hiring decision. The best way is to have a clear routine that everyone involved in the hiring process must use.

Relocating? OK to fire immigrant worker who fails to renew visa in time for move


Employers in highly technical fields sometimes sponsor immigrant workers and help them secure work visas and eventual “green card” status as permanent resident aliens. When those visas are set to expire and it appears the employee may not be able to renew the work authorization, employers aren’t discriminating on the basis of national origin if they elect to terminate the employee.

Benchmark your web site’s recruiting page against the Top 25


What are the best practices for the “careers” page on your web site? One good strategy for small and mid-size employers is to take a peek at what their big brothers are doing. Here are those top 25 companies and links to their careers pages …

How do we legally correct errors on I-9s?

Q. I found some minor errors in our I-9 forms. For example, some have signatures on the wrong line. Is it legal to correct the errors or do I need to have the forms filled out again? If I do new forms, should I back-date them?

Nonprofit sportswear company hires single moms in need


Two former Dow Jones executives have launched a business that hires economically disadvantaged single mothers and provides them with child care coverage and career development training. The organization’s founders call Moms and Jobs, or MoJo, “a social venture in a for-profit vehicle.”

EEOC: Cleveland’s Presrite was wrong not to hire women

The EEOC is suing Cleveland-based metal forging company Presrite Corp. for sex discrimination, alleging the company has a long-standing practice of not hiring women.

Applicant suing for failure-to-hire? Make sure she really did apply for the job


Score one for common sense: People who want a job they see posted have to apply before they can sue for not getting it. A phone call to HR that was never returned can’t be grounds for a failure-to-hire lawsuit.