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Interviewing candidates: 30 great questions to ask (and 15 to avoid)

The best interview questions focus on what applicants know how to do and how they do it. Here are 30 sample questions that probe into a variety of skills.

Beware justifying hiring or promotion with criteria that don’t appear in job description

Here’s a reminder to pass on to everyone involved in the hiring or promotion process: You’re running a huge risk if you deviate from the job announcement’s minimum and preferred qualifications.

Identifying applicant skills: 50 great interview questions

In addition to giving job-specific tests, the best way to tell if applicants carry the skills to perform specific tasks is to ask very direct questions about how they’ve used each skill in the past. Here are some sample questions hiring managers can use to spot whether these 10 important “soft” skills are present:

An app for that: Applicants at Sodexo phone in their résumés


Candidates can apply for jobs at Sodexo through an app on their smartphones. The new jobs app allows would-be employees to search and apply for Sodexo jobs in the United States by keyword, discipline or location.

Does USERRA require preferential treatment for veterans?

For years, employers have struggled with how to re-­­­­­­­employ soldiers whose military duties have required them to be absent from work. The key question: Does the Uni­­formed Ser­­vices Employment and Re­­em­­ploy­­ment Rights Act (USERRA) make it mandatory to give rehiring preference to returning vets? Finally, courts have begun to bring clarity to the law.

What are the rules on giving truthful references about former employees?

Q. An employer asked us for a job verification on an employee we fired. The request includes a written consent form from the worker allowing the query. Can I release any and all information regarding the former employee’s history with us?

How to write a legally safe job-offer letter

When it comes to making job offers, you or your hiring managers could be inadvertently locking the organization into employment contracts with new hires. Written job-offer letters run the highest risk of creating implied promises. To avoid creating any job-security promises, follow these do’s and don’ts:

What are the rules for unpaid internships?


Q. Our company has received a number of résumés from college students interested in working as unpaid interns for us during the summer months. Would hiring such unpaid internships violate federal or state laws?

Court: Professional licensure can require fingerprinting

A federal court has upheld a Cali­for­­nia state requirement that nurses who want to renew or apply for a professional license must submit a set of fingerprints along with their applications. The prints are needed to conduct criminal background checks.

If you hire your kids, be the boss, not the parent

It’s almost summer, and some lucky kids will be working in their families’ businesses. Sole proprietors and partnerships where both spouses are partners can get some special payroll tax breaks for hiring their kids. But, regardless of your business structure, you must follow a few rules to keep the IRS out of your hair.