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Keep careful notes about every job interview

Always document what applicants tell you during job interviews. If you reject the candidate and she later claims she revealed protected information during the hiring process, you will have records to counter her claims.

1-hour interview, in 5 stages

An hour, give or take 15 minutes, is about right for an initial job interview—long enough to obtain basic information and an impression of the applicant, and short enough to fit in a busy schedule.

Candidates lose interest if employers won’t negotiate

Hiring job candidates in a tight labor market often requires sweetening the pot with nonmonetary perks. New research from global staffing firm Robert Half confirms it.

Closing the interview: Which questions to ask, and which to be prepared for

Avoid asking difficult questions last. Finishing on a positive note is part of creating a good candidate experience.

How to determine an interviewee’s integrity?

Asking an applicant “Are you honest and trustworthy?” won’t get you any useful data in a job interview.

When should managers check references?

While HR departments handle reference checking at most organizations, many supervisors are willing and capable of handling reference checks, too. But that doesn’t mean you should let supervisors handle reference checks for all openings.

Questions and answers: How to hire in a legally safe way

If it goes well, hiring a new employee is the beginning of a fruitful working relationship. But hiring can also be a legal minefield in which one wrong step can lead to a costly lawsuit. This Q&A is designed to keep you on the right hiring path.

Paycheck Fairness Act clears House of Representatives

The House of Representatives has passed the Paycheck Fairness Act, legislation first introduced in 1997 that would prohibit employers nationwide from asking job applicants about their past or current pay.

Document belligerence during hiring process

If you ever encounter an applicant so difficult that you suspect she might become a disruptive employee, document why you are concerned. If she later sues, you will be able to describe exactly what happened.

Lots of great candidates? Retain all interview notes

Protect against a failure-to-promote lawsuit by following a few common-sense rules. Ask every candidate the same questions, noting their responses in writing. When all interviews are done, you can make your decision.