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Immigration raids create hiring trouble at Ga. chicken plant


When federal immigration agents descended on tiny Stillmore, Ga., to raid Crider Inc., the local chicken processing plant lost 75 percent of its mostly Hispanic work force in one weekend. Many feared for the local economy …

Immigrant glass in New Jersey: Is it half empty or half full?


Is New Jersey’s immigrant population an HR advantage or a fiscal liability? Whichever your view, you won’t have to look far for statistics to back you up …

Section 1981 bias law doesn’t cover national-origin claims


Section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 has become an increasingly common route for African-Americans to bring to federal court a variety of discrimination claims not covered by Title VII. But claims of national-origin discrimination aren’t allowed under Section 1981

Texas congressman pushes bill to block SS benefits for illegals


Rep. John R. Carter (R-Texas) last month introduced legislation in Congress that aims to bar U.S. citizens from receiving Social Security benefits based on wages earned while they were in the United States illegally …

Should we keep copies of I-9 documentation?


Q. My boss is concerned about the increased penalties against employers who hire illegal aliens. He wants to be sure our procedures are in keeping with the best practices. One question I have: What do we do with the documents that new employees present to comply with the I-9 requirements? Should we keep copies of them? And, if so, where? —G.S.

NYC celebrity restaurateur accused of racism


Even the stereotypical hot-tempered chef is not immune to labor-law complaints, as Daniel Boulud, owner of the Upper East Side’s four-star restaurant, Daniel, recently learned …

Advocates urge Spitzer to get tough on labor-law violators


Immigrant advocacy groups banded together recently to urge Gov.-elect Eliot Spitzer to encourage the state’s Labor Department to pursue labor violations against whole industries in addition to individual companies …

Indiana Temporary Foreign Labor Certification Act


Indiana employers that want to hire foreign workers for specific temporary jobs must jump several hurdles. You must show that no qualified American workers are available for the position. Before advertising a position, you must obtain a prevailing wage statement from the Indiana Department of Workforce Development

English-Only Policies

HR Law 101: If you’re thinking of establishing an English-only policy for your workplace, be aware that you risk incurring the wrath of the EEOC. The agency is strongly opposed to English-only rules and will prosecute employers that commit this type of national-origin discrimination…

Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act


Even as the national debate over immigration reform rages, the Georgia state legislature has decided to act rather than wait for a federal solution. Recently, Governor Sonny Perdue signed into law one of the toughest immigration laws in the country …