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HR Groups Rally Around Legislation to Create New Electronic Verification System


Congress is considering legislation that would create a new mandatory electronic employment eligibility verification system to replace the current, widely criticized E-Verify program. HR groups are applauding, in part because 90% of employers already use the software on which it is based. Learn more about a proposal that could greatly simplify a cumbersome process.

Undocumented workers jailed

Three illegal immigrant workers arrested in a raid at Smithfield Foods’ Tar Heel packing plant have been sentenced to 18 months of imprisonment, followed by deportation. All three pleaded guilty to fraud and misuse of documents …

Justice Department increases fines for employers that violate immigration, I-9 rules

Employers that run afoul of federal immigration laws will face stiffer civil fines—up to $5,000 more per violation—starting March 27, the U.S. Justice Department announced last week.

Illinois gives E-Verify a green light, for now


Illinois has reached an agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, lifting the state Legislature’s ban on E-Verify that had been scheduled to take effect Jan. 1. Employers may continue to use the federal electronic verification system to check workers’ employment eligibility status until lawmakers have had a chance to re-examine the issue …

When English-Speaking staff resent Spanish chatter


Q. We have a collegial atmosphere in our small factory. But several of our production line workers who don’t speak Spanish are complaining that bilingual employees chat among themselves in Spanish, leaving the others out of the loop. Everyone speaks English when talking about work, so it’s not a safety issue. Still, the non-Spanish speakers resent the Spanish chatter and wonder if they’re being talked about. What can we do? — L.C, Illinois …

Public employers, contractors must use DHS verification system


The Georgia Department of Labor recently issued rules on compliance with the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act of 2006, which requires all public employers and employers with state contracts to electronically verify workers’ employment eligibility …

Colorado Immigration Law


In view of concerns about undocumented workers, Colorado recently enacted its own immigration law, which requires employers to take certain actions beyond what the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act mandates. Employers must make an affirmation within 20 days of hiring a new employee …

Washington Update: News from the NLRB, EEOC and USCIS


The New Year often brings a flurry of activity from the many federal government agencies that address employment issues, and 2008 is no exception. We’ve got good news on employers’ control over workplace e-mail, bad news for employers who discriminate and mixed news for those who want to hire foreign workers.

Who screened these screeners?


An investigation by federal, state and Chicago authorities uncovered no fewer than 23 illegal immigrants working in security-sensitive areas at O’Hare International Airport. Ideal Staffing Solutions Inc., of Bensenville, employed the workers …

FBI, CIA hired illegal immigrant with ties to Hezbollah


The FBI and the CIA scrambled to defend their screening practices after discovering that one of their agents was an illegal immigrant with ties to Hezbollah. Officials at the FBI and the CIA insisted the agencies conducted thorough background checks …