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Hershey hit with protests by immigrant temp workers

The students thought they were signing up for a cultural exchange program in which they would travel to Pennsylvania to work and experience life in Hershey. Instead they ended up working in warehouses preparing Hershey products for shipping. Along with members of the AFL-CIO, they recently protested outside the warehouse facilities.

Photo Matching and E-Verify?

Question: If an employee provides an I-9 document that’s subject to photo matching in E-Verify, can an employer ask or require the employee to provide a copy of the document to use during the E-Verify process?

How should we respond to a ‘no-match’ letter?

In April 2011, the Social Security Administration resumed the practice of sending no-match letters, which notify an employer of a discrepancy between information they reported on an employee’s W-2 form and information in the SSA’s database. The DOJ’s Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices recently issued the following “do’s and don’ts” regarding no-match letters:

What do we need to do to hire an H-1B immigrant currently working for another employer?

Q. We are interested in hiring someone who is currently working for another company in H-1B status. Do we have to file a new H-1B application before this person can work for our company? If so, how long do we have to wait until he can start work?

The ICE man cometh … with a notice of intent to audit

You may have noticed a slight chill in the air recently. For the second time this year, ICE has notified 1,000 employers that it plans to inspect their Form I-9 records. Whether your company has received a Notice of Intent to Audit or you have been lucky enough to avoid one until now, it is important to understand how a NOI may impact your organization.

E-Verify to be mandatory for many N.C. employers

On June 23, Gov. Bev Perdue signed legislation that requires private em­­ployers with at least 25 employees and all county and city governments to use the federal government’s online E-Verify system to verify that new hires are eligible to work in the United States.

Is there any new guidance on how to handle employment eligibility verification?

Q. Our company needs guidance on keeping up with our obligations with regard to employment eligibility. What resources are available?

Does our I-9 software comply with the law?

Q. We use an electronic I-9 software system that was developed in-house. How can we ensure it complies with federal law?

Is Arizona-style E-Verify mandate headed to Pennsylvania?

If state Rep. Bill Galloway has his way, certain employers may be re­quired to use the federal government’s E-Verify web-based employment eligibility verification system. Several states already mandate E-Verify, and the U.S. Supreme Court in June ruled that an Arizona law requiring employers to use it is constitutional.

What web resources can we use to make sure we are in compliance with I-9 rules?

Q. Our company needs guidance on keeping up with our obligations with regard to employment eligibility. What resources are available?