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Selma, DOJ settles firefighter’s retaliation suit

The U.S. Department of Justice has reached a settlement with the city of Selma, ending a lawsuit that alleged violations of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Employee complains to TCHR? OK to end internal grievance

Many employers have in­­ternal grievance procedures for em­­ployees who feel they have been discriminated against. But what if, while the complaint is pending, the employee files a complaint with the Texas Com­­mis­­sion on Human Rights?

No obligation to create indefinite light-duty job

You don’t have to create permanent light-duty work for injured workers, as the following case shows.

Keep the snark to yourself! If you suspect malingering, let system play out

Sometimes, employees fake or exaggerate injuries in the hopes of getting paid time off. If you suspect that’s going on, don’t get angry and put vindictive roadblocks in the employee’s way. Instead, treat him the same way you treat everyone else.

Hiring: List experience requirements, too

When posting job openings, don’t focus solely on educational re­­quirements. Instead, be sure to clarify that job experience is also required—and provide specific examples.

Erratic employee veering toward violence? Request fitness-for-duty exam, fire if he refuses


Sometimes, it becomes clear to a supervisor that an employee is acting strangely. The employee may be cranky, argumentative and unpleasant to co-workers and supervisors. He may register repeated complaints about discrimination or other ill treatment. And he may make threatening comments. If that happens, play it smart.

Employee is own lawyer? NC law on your side

North Carolina’s employment and discrimination laws would appear to give em­­ployees many ways to sue their employers. Fortunately, each has specific requirements, which means employees who act as their own lawyers will have a hard time using them to sue you.

Supremes hear arguments: For Title VII, who’s a supervisor?

No matter which way the Court rules in Vance v. Ball State, it will have a major impact on Title VII litigation. The floodgates could spring open, inviting more employee lawsuits. But a decision in Ball State’s favor would be a huge win for employers.

Supreme Court: Vance case revisits supervisor liability under Title VII

The Supreme Court tackles a contentious issue: When it comes to harassment and discrimination, just what does “supervisor” mean? Regardless of how the Court rules, employers must ensure that their policies and practices are consistent with Title VII.

Long gap after complaint won’t support retaliation claim

A federal court has ruled that a two-year gap between an employee’s discrimination complaint and alleged retaliation is too long. Otherwise, employers could face retaliation claims years or even decades after resolving an original complaint.