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Court recognizes a new kind of claim: Retaliatory hostile environment


Essentially, a retaliatory hostile environment claim looks at situations in which life was made generally difficult for an employee in small ways that in themselves would not affect a term or condition of employment.

Warn bosses: Keep snide comments to yourself


Remember, any supervisor comments about a worker’s complaint can end up supporting a retaliation claim.

Beware firing safety whistleblowers


The Trump administration’s Department of Labor is aggressively going after employers that fire workers who report alleged workplace safety violations. It’s one reason to seek expert legal advice before disciplining any potential whistleblower—even for behavior or poor work performance that seems unrelated to any safety report.

Your good disciplinary records will almost always beat employee’s retaliation claim


If you are certain you can justify your action, don’t be afraid to discipline a worker who has filed a discrimination charge or otherwise opposed alleged discriminatory actions. Generally, courts give employers leeway to discipline as long as they believe they acted in good faith.

Small annoyances can add up to retaliation


Retaliation can be anything that would dissuade a reasonable employee from complaining about discrimination in the first place. It doesn’t have to be an isolated act.

Kingwood, Texas firm digs in heels over unpaid OT, faces suit


A Houston-area medical staffing firm refused to back down when the Department of Labor accused it of stiffing an employee out of overtime pay and then retaliating against the employee for complaining.

Is that retaliation or a legitimate business decision?


Employees are protected from retaliation for complaining internally about alleged discrimination. Some workers seem to think that means they can never be criticized or have their working conditions change. Fortunately, that’s not true.

Paid suspension is hardly ‘intolerable’


An employee can quit and sue for constructive discharge if the working conditions are truly intolerable. Being suspended with pay pending an investigation doesn’t qualify.

Move affecting income might be retaliation


If an employer action affecting a worker’s pocketbook would make a reasonable employee think twice about filing a discrimination complaint, a court is likely to consider the merits of a retaliation lawsuit. 

Supreme Court 2017–18: Employment law cases on the docket


This year’s Supreme Court docket covers several timely employment law issues. As the last word on important legal issues, Supreme Court decisions usually offer important compliance lessons.