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There’s protected activity, then there’s harassment

When employees think they are working in a hostile environment, emotions often run high. If an employee believes he is working under intolerable conditions, he may strike back with a harassment campaign of his own. Anonymous letters, e-mails and other unconventional forms of communication may amount to reverse harassment—and you don’t have to tolerate it …

N.J. Transit Authority police chief stuck in legal traffic jam

Joseph Bober, police chief for the New Jersey Transit Authority, is at the center of a five-lawsuit pile-up over everything from discrimination to punching an employee in the gut. Lt. Theresa Frizalone filed the first suit—charging sex discrimination—in March 2007 …

Track discrimination claims to head off post-Firing suits

Workers who have lost their jobs often look for some ulterior motive to explain their terminations. Here’s what to do if a former employee claiming he was targeted because of a discrimination complaint sues you: Check when the complaint first came to light. Any complaints should have been logged and time-stamped, even if the complaint wasn’t written …

Solid rules, documentation, enforcement are keys to winning discharge cases

Employers that prepare as if they will be sued over every employment decision will win most discrimination cases. If you follow certain guidelines, chances are no fired employee will successfully sue you for discrimination or retaliation. Employers that get sloppy most often lose lawsuits …

FMLA leave-Takers aren’t untouchable, but courts will look closely at timing

Employers that come down hard on employees who have just requested FMLA leave are looking for trouble—especially if the employee was performing well until recently. The timing will look suspicious …

Contractor decision costs FedEx $319 million as class action grows

Official class notices were sent out in June to 27,165 present and former FedEx delivery drivers in the multidistrict lawsuit challenging the company’s independent contractor model. The court certified class-action status for drivers from 19 states, including Pennsylvania …

Lilly settles retaliation suit

Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co. has agreed to pay $64,400 to a former employee who claimed the company withheld severance pay to pressure her to withdraw a discrimination complaint …

When termination follows military family leave

Q. Our medical practice has a night nurse who answers calls for patient emergencies and then relays those emergencies to the doctor, if necessary. Recently, business has been slow, and we are considering eliminating the night nurse position and using an answering service instead. Our night nurse (who has not been informed of the company’s plans regarding her position) has notified us that she will be taking off several days to spend time with her husband who is returning from active military duty. We don’t want her to think that we are eliminating her job because of her planned leave. Any suggestions? …

Tell managers: Don’t retaliate against those who complain

One of the easiest ways to land the company in legal hot water is for a manager to punish someone who complains that she’s being discriminated against. It may turn out—and it often does—that no discrimination took place. Yet even in those cases, some supervisors can’t resist punishing the messenger, thereby turning a minor matter into a major retaliation case …

Avoiding reference-Related retaliation claims

Q. How should we handle giving references about a former employee who was involved in litigation against the company or filed an administrative charge with a government agency, such as the EEOC or the DOL? Should we include that information in response to the reference? Or should we not provide any information at all? …