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Backup firing rationale to beat discrimination claims

Smart employers don’t leave anything to chance when it’s time to fire someone—especially when the employee facing termination thinks he might have a discrimination claim. Instead of taking a chance that something said during the termination meeting will be misinterpreted, they make sure the meeting includes at least two company representatives …

Former broker files whistle-Blower suit following fraud investigation

Timothy Flynn, a former senior vice president for UBS Financial Services, has filed a lawsuit claiming the Wall Street firm retaliated against him for cooperating with a Massachusetts securities fraud investigation …

Don’t let complaint interfere with legitimate discipline

Sometimes, employees who know they are in trouble will file a discrimination complaint as a pre-emptive strike. They assume their employers will worry that a court might see any further disciplinary action as retaliation. Don’t be intimidated by this tactic! …

Keep details of discrimination settlements confidential

Is your HR office involved in settling discrimination complaints? If so, consider including confidentiality clauses as part of any settlement if the employee is going to stay onboard. Then shield the employee’s supervisors from any details of the settlement. Here’s why: Any subsequent discipline—especially if it comes close on the heels of the settlement—may be grounds for a retaliation lawsuit …

Worker settled case? Beware providing bad references that could lead to retaliation claims

Here’s another reason to avoid providing too much information when prospective employers call for a reference on one of your former employees. Providing a negative reference for an employee who filed a previous EEOC complaint that your organization settled may lead to a retaliation lawsuit …

ADA retaliation settlement gives officer promotion, pay

Lance Lazoff, an officer with the Colorado Springs Police Department, will be promoted to sergeant with back pay and benefits to settle his retaliation lawsuit against the city. Lazoff alleged that, despite an exemplary service record, he was denied promotion to the rank of sergeant because of his vocal support for his wife’s claim under the ADA …

Federal court clarifies ‘Protected activity’ under the FLSA

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has issued an important ruling in a Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) case. It marks the first time the court has defined exactly what the FLSA means when it refers to filing a wage-and-hour “complaint.” The court’s decision is important because it means employers that punish employees who file complaints may be liable for retaliation …

Come down hard on supervisors: No telling employees to drop discrimination complaints

Want to know the easiest way to turn an almost-sure win in court into an almost-certain loss? Allow supervisors to tell employees they should drop an EEOC or other discrimination claim. The simple act of suggesting that a lawsuit isn’t in the employee’s best interest may amount to retaliation if the suggestions would dissuade a reasonable employee from complaining in the first place.

Is time off for voting required? Paid?

Q. Must an employer give employees time off to vote? If so, must we pay employees for the time they spend voting? …

Whistle-Blower suit against Duke Energy heads to trial

John Deeds, former director of regulatory initiatives for Duke Energy, won Round 1 of his whistle-blower lawsuit against the utility. Deeds claims he was fired in April 2006 after questioning whether payments Duke Energy made to certain large customers were “sham transactions” intended to buy support for rate increases …