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Remind bosses: No reprisals for complaining


It’s easy to understand why supervisors and managers get upset when one of their subordinates files an EEOC complaint. After all, how can you not take it personally if someone says you discriminated based on race or sex or for some other illegal reason? But the worst thing those managers and supervisors can do is punish the subordinate.

Ethics battle rages as Election Day approaches


State Auditor Les Merritt has released a preliminary report concluding that the State Ethics Commission is “hiding facts from the public” regarding its termination of commission office assistant Amanda Thaxton and a related investigation into whether it gave Democratic gubernatorial candidate Lt. Gov. Beverly Perdue preferential treatment …

Perhaps councilman will next be kissing seat goodbye


Terri Vaughn, finance director for the Yeadon Borough Council, has filed a sexual harassment and retaliation complaint with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission and the EEOC, alleging that council member Terry McGirth kissed her inappropriately on numerous occasions …

Congress gives employees new whistles to blow


If your business involves creating, distributing or selling consumer products, make sure your managers know they can’t retaliate against employees who voice complaints about the products’ safety …

Firing a ‘That’s not in my job description’ complainer


Q. The owner of our company recently fired an employee who refused to run a business-related errand. The employee said running errands wasn’t in his job description. Can he sue us for wrongful termination? …

Can we terminate employees on workers’ comp?


Q. We have two employees who went out on workers’ compensation leave and never came back. They’re still listed as employees. Can we lay them off? …

Fire away if severance demands are unreasonable


Wise HR professionals understand that, before jumping the gun and firing an employee who has filed a complaint, a thorough investigation is in order. But that’s when many employees try to negotiate a severance package in exchange for a resignation. If the investigation and negotiations drag on, can you discharge the employee for making what you consider unreasonable demands? …

Retain right to nix discipline that might be retaliation


Employees don’t have to win their discrimination claims to charge retaliation. That’s why it’s important for HR to stay on top of any disciplinary action aimed at an employee who has already complained about discrimination …

Firing OK if employee falsely claims harassment


Not every sexual harassment complaint is legitimate. A thorough investigation may wind up showing that one of the parties is lying. Can you fire the presumed liar if he or she brought the complaint in the first place? The answer is a qualified “yes” …

Whine not? Tell chronic complainer to just move on when latest allegation proves false


Some employees have chips on their shoulders—everything is always someone else’s fault, not theirs. They constantly pester supervisors and higher-ups with complaints about discrimination, retaliation and general unfairness. How is an employer supposed to deal with such constant whining? …